MASTERMIND Quarterfinal 2 Part 2

Day 2,456, 19:26 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Lanthanide

Now our first contender please.

LANTH: Your name.
TEPP: Teppishc.
LANTH: Your occupation.
TEPP: Secretary-General of the PCP.
LANTH: And your specialist subject.
TEPP: The career and music of Toots and the Maytals.
LANTH: 10 questions on Toots and the Maytals, starting now.

(Teppishc was pre-emailed the questions and had three minutes to respond. The questions🙂

1. Toots and the Maytals was formed in what year?
2. Toots and the Maytals is of what nationality?
3. The frontman of the group was Frederick who?
4. In 1966, the group was put on hiatus because Hibbert was convicted of what?
5. And how long was this sentence?
6. In 1967, after Hibbert was released from prison, the group began collaborating with what Chinese Jamaican producer?
7. What is “my number” in the Maytals’ hit song released in 1968?
8. After Kong passed away in 1971, the group resumed producing with what person who renamed them “Toots and the Maytals”?
9. In 1980, the group attempted to get a Guinness World Record by recording, pressing and distributing an album in one day. Although they succeeded, they didn’t get the world record because no one at Guinness was notified beforehand. What record label was responsible for this?
10. How many number one - - BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! - - I've started, so I'll finish - hits does the group currently have (the highest in Jamaica)?

(Teppishc's answers, with annotations🙂

1. 1962 (correct)
2. Jamaica (correct)
3. 'toots' Hibbert (correct)
4. drug possession (correct)
5. 18 months (correct)
6. Pass (pass)
7. 54-46 (correct)
8. Coxsone Dodd (incorrect)
9. Island records (correct)
10. 22 (incorrect)

So, with one pass, Teppishc has a score of 7 points!

CORRECTION: Question 9 was recorded as incorrect, but it was indeed correct. The final score remains unchanged (7 points with a pass).