Massive Canadain Independance movement

Day 627, 08:28 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Approximately 30 minutes ago, Resistance Wars started in 4 Canadian regions, and several of them look like they might pull out a win.

Prince Edward Islan😛 At the time this article was written, 4200 in the underground.

Newfoundland and Labrador: In the city area and falling

New Brunswick: 7700 in No Man's Land

Yukon: an amazing 28000 in the underground and still falling fast

Whether or not these resistances prove to be successful, we will not know until tomorrow. But the important thing is that Canada is not out just because they are down. They will remain a pain in PEACE's arse as long as they are still in Canadian regions. We have not seen the last of eCanada, and I welcome their triumphant return to their rightful place on the map. Do not give up eAmerica or eCanada, or any of our allies. Peace if far from victory, no matter how many of our regions they take away

Go Canada!
Death to PEACE!