Market Update [Day 1811] New and Improved

Day 1,811, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Jetsmets

Hello readers and welcome the the new and improved edition of the eNY Times. Here you can find self-employment profits, profit per employee, gold and salary price, and how to complete the DO if you're a noob. Today is Day 1811 and I went to the markets at 9:00. Today weapons prices dipped slightly after a boost from our NE on Indonesia. Gold has rose slightly after falling below $400. Now onto the report.

Here we see that if you have a Q2, Q3, or Q4 Food company you lose money in self-employment. This means that it is actually more profitable for you to sell the FRM needed to make the 180 food and then just buy the food using the cash from selling the FRM. If you own anything other than a Q7 Food Factory you will lose money by hiring employees.

In the weapons self-employment profits we see that it is still only profitable if you own a high Quality Factory. Then when we move over to the profits per employee it is very easy to see why the job market sucks so much. No Weapons factory makes a profit on hiring employees except Q7s. This means that only Q7 Food & Weapons Factories make money by hiring. Everybody needs to work but only a few elitists have the money to own and operate a Q7 Factory.

Gold went way down dropping from $432 down to $384 in one day. It came up slightly after that but it should continue to go down in the next few days. Expect admins to release a 44% off Company or Training Grounds sale soon to increase gold prices.

Now, if you're a noob you may find it hard to complete the DO every day. That's because if you only use your daily wages to get food and weapons to fight you would need to buy 540 Q4 food and 28 Q2 Weapons to supplement what you can make yourself. Even after all this with a $35 salary you would only have enough money to get about 21 kills every day.

What I recommend to remedy this situation is to join an MU with a good commune. Most MUs will have an option to work for somebody at a price of $1. But in return for this the Mu will give you high Q food and weapons making it much easier to complete the DO. If you're against joining an MU for whatever reason, then you need to with a few days in between fights to save up money or upgrade Factories to Q2 or Q3 and become self-sufficient. That's all for now. Check back soon for another Market Update.