Marcus Patterson for Congress - Hawaii Style

Day 945, 09:48 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Shall we lei each other now, or later 😉

Some theme music - Idea taken from MM2

Dear Readers,

~Start Rant~
Today, I would like to announce that I am running for congress. The reason i am running is simple: I want to make a difference. Not for a political party, not for a certain citizen, but for the citizens of the eUSA and for the government. We have a great eNation, but last month, and previous months, congress has acted like a bunch of monkeys throwing their feces at one another. Hardly anything got done/gets done, and the things that congress did accomplish, came about by only a few congressmen actually doing any work. The voting record for most congressmen last term was horrendous. I promise that I will be active, i will vote on every issue, i will share my opinion, i will discuss every detail of every issue of every topic. You have my word, you have my promise. I owe that to you, the voter. We need to start making progress. Enough of this BS, let's move forward. Vote Marcus Patterson, so we can make a difference.
~End of Rant~

~Beginning of Campaign Article~

The eWorld is a crazy, insane, wild, but beautiful place to live in. So, what can you do to make it better? Vote for Marcus Patterson, that awesome Yoda guy, for Congress. I will be running in Hawaii btw.

What do I have to offer experience-wise?

I have held many posts in the past. Currently, I am a Proud member of ST6 Elite Fighting Squad (Go Neptunes), and a proud member of the SAC (former eAirborne). I have participated in many ATO operations and have assisted with ATO efforts in 5 different countries.

I have served in many roles in the Department of State - Bureau of Ambassadorial Affairs. Only a week ago, I was the Ambassador to eVenezuela. I have resigned, but would like to be an Ambassador once again, probably to a different nation. I have also previously served as the Under Secretary for Sydiot’s Treasury Data Collection Agency.

I also am currently the CEO of a major corporation called Patterson Holdings Company. I owned and have ran three successful companies. Right now, I am on standby until “eRepublik Rising” is released. However, soon I will have over 500 helicopterzzz!!!! Yay 4 me!

(My ST6 Fighting days have provided me with a lot of good times. Shout out to">Julian Mizu)

My Stance on the Issues

Citizen Retention: We hear this repeated over and over and over. Here is the truth, citizen retention comes down to three issues.

A) The Game. We have a pretty boring game right now that we are playing. The truth is that eCitizens that aren’t two clickers, play this game because of the social aspect. They go on the forums, they talk on IRC, and they get more involved in the Government. However, as a new citizen, you have no idea what this game is, and how to get more involved. It’s hard to like a game when you find it utterally boring and confusing. The eUSA has many good programs for assisting and improving new citizens. Arm America helps get weapons to those in need and increase the strength and size of our combat force. The Flying Unicorn provides Moving Tickets. The Welcoming Committee has done a great job greeting new citizens. This leads me to the 2nd issue.

😎 Social Connections. We need to reach out and greet every new citizen. Not just by saying hello, but by literally taking this eBaby’s hand and guiding it to success. I have invited and helped many new players grow in this game. The reason for my success with these babies, is because I gave them gifts, constantly messaged them, gave them work. I involved them in my eLife and they felt like they had a purpose, like they were important to this game. Well guess what, they are important. Every citizen matters. So don’t be afraid to reach out and say hello to all new citizens 🙂.

C) Knowledge. Knowledge leads to power. Don’t give citizens links to click, they hate that. Believe me, I have tried. eBabies don’t like links. Give them information. Send them a small paragraph as to why they are important to the game. Send them some info on how to log on the forums and IRC, how to train, how to etc… I know there are tons of articles out there, but instead of linking the article, just mail them yourself. It is much more personal.

The Military
The eUnited States is a military powerhouse. I know that our military numbers and the damage we put up are decreasing, but so is every eCountry’s. I will not, by any means, vote for any motion or action, which will decrease the strength or funding of the eUnited States’ military. I also support the various militia groups and of course ST6 and ST7.

The United States Training Corps provides basic training to new military recruits in a well structured method. We need to continue with the recruitment drive. PM me if you need convincing to join 😉. I completed my TC training and look where I am now, I’m a handsome young politician trying to make it into Congress 😉.

Those Darn Taxes
I think taxes are fine for now. We shouldn’t play around with them if we don’t know what V2 will do to prices. Right now, I would be willing to offer my economic services and my Beta experience to congress and help change the tax system in prepartion for V2 (whenever it comes out). Should the military or citizen support programs require additional funding, I will most likely vote for an increase. Other votes on taxes, I will take all factors into consideration and then vote. Taxes are essential to provide funding for those services that keep our eNation running and to keep mutual protection pacts in place.

With the expected V2 release on the horizon, congress must be ready to place the needed infrastructure in areas.

Foreign Affairs: The eUSA should not enter into any treaty or alliance in which any part of our sovereignty is lost. The Brolliance is a group of great nations, who do a great work. I do not support the occupation of any free state and am proud that we fight Phoenix when they try and occupy a foreign nation whether it be by their military or by PTO.

(These are sum Old Peepz)

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you like what I have said thus far and want to help me with my efforts, please send me a PM and/or just move to Hawaii on June 25th, and vote for Marcus Patterson. Please let me know if you'll need moving tickets in order to vote. I can provide you with them. I am here, to serve you. Vote for a better eTomorrow, vote for Marcus Patterson

(Picture of a hot chick so you vote for me hehe)

Los Links – Check out some of my past articles:

Former Ambassador to eVenezuela
Proud member of the SAC
Proud member of ST6
Former Undersecretary for Sydiot Treasury’s Data Collection Agency
CEO of Patterson Holdings Company
Former DemRep member


The Largo Endorsement

PS: Regarding Endorsements, if you would like to endorse me, just say so below in the comments section. Thank you once again for taking the time to read this!