Many Thanks to the Warriors that fought for eNL!

Day 1,646, 22:44 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Konrad Neumann

There is a short article but it must be written!

Thank you for all of the people who stayed up late and went beyond the call of duty. Without them, there will be no free and independent eNL.

-Clorofila- She went way beyond and threw everything she had into that battle, She kicked ass in both round 8-9 and was the main tank that secure our victory.

-van Spijck- He leaded and gathered the troops in the late hours. He got us enough warriors for our battles. The Huns went in full force late in the last 2 battles and he gathered just enough to hold on.

-samproidz- When no one has access to the supplies sheet, samproidz took charge and gave his own tanks to the mercs.

-Dimlighthero- He went in with all tanks, zookas and energy bars.

-MaryamQ and Cotrius- Our Belgian friends who despite of recent tensions are here for us to help us in our time of need. Despite some in their government, there are some Belgians that we can trust and depend upon.

There are many more to thank, but we appreciate all who fought for the Netherlands. There are too many to name and even if you are not on the list, that does not mean we forget about you. Many thanks for your effort and fights.