Manisfesto, NOT!

Day 792, 02:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Afiq Razin Ong

Greeting and Salam 1Malaysia to all e Malaysians.

I'll be straight to my point here. I want to run for the candidancy as congress member.

To promise a manisfesto is not appropiriate for me. If i fail to deliver, it will stir trouble.

Right now all that i can convince people to vote me is to trust on me.

Perhaps my words could persuade you. I may not be Barack Hussein Obama or Tun Dr. M, but i'll try my best.

It will be a great honour for me to serve this party and the nation as a congessman.

"rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan"

There's reason why that became the 1Malaysia motto. And I believe in those words also.

In simple words, if you think I'm up to it, vote for me. If not, do vice versa.

Lastly, to all eMalaysians, dont be afraid to voice out any of your thought. Your opinion counts.

