Manifesto of The Irish Communist Party[ICP]

Day 985, 07:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Karl Marx

1. Introduction
2. Why We've Created This Party
3. What We Stand For
4. How Our System Will Work
5. Our Misc Plans For A Better Ireland

A few days ago, myself and a few comrades were discussing the political and economic situation in real life. All of us are tired of the economic uncertainty and poverty that all of the Irish proletariat face every moment, and the political stagnation and inaction of all governments. Most of us are communists in real life, and though we except all communist ideologies, we've chosen to not allow social democrats, or other "pink" leftists.

We are currently collecting donations for the creation of the party. If you want to support us after reading this article, do not hesitate to send a donation to this account. We except all donations, any currency, big or small.

Also, if you wish to join our struggle for a better Ireland or have any questions, feel free to send a message to me ingame, or talk with me on the Irish IRC.

Why We've Created This Party
You may be wondering whe we've created this party when there is another party in Ireland that claims to be Communist, and is far larger. I speak, of course, of The Labour Party. The reason we have cut ties with Labour and decided to start a new communist party is because we believe Labour has lost it's values, and the principles it was founded on. The Labour party now has the added title of "The Republican Party". We believe that the Labour Party has ended its focus on Communism, or even Socialism, and has focused itself on nationalism, imperialism and militarism.

While our party supports the reclaimation of the North, we are not a nationalist party. We believe that to think that one country is better then any other, or that one nationality is better, entirely defeats the point of Communism, as Communism is about equality in many ways.

On Imperialism, The Labour Party is a loud supporter of Brolliance, as much as Brolliance claims to be a "defensive alliance", it has shown itself to be overtly imperialist, such as when Brolliance member Japan invade South Korea to gain territory. Prominent Labourer, Ibhoy, has been an outspoken Brolliance supporter and advocate until he left the game, bordering on fanatical. This devotion to an imperialist alliance and to imperialist ambitions in a party that claims to be for the working class, and socialist, I find most disturbing and misleading.

Finally, the Labour party recently had a president take office, until he was impeached, and has long had the most members in congress. Despite this, there has never been one state commune in Ireland, nor has there ever been the hint or the intention of introducing Socialism or Communism into Irish Society.

Think about just how many socialist or communist political or economic actions the Labour party has orchestrated, even how active they are. You will be sorely disappointed.

What We Stand For
At its heart, the Communist Party is Marxist. How this effects our plan for the game will be outlined in the following chapter.

We stand, at the foundation, for a pure communist economy, without a hint of private market interference. I will make it clear now, we do not want a mixed market. The entire economy will consist of communes. I will outline how this works also in the following chapter.

We want a nation where everyone is equal, and receives exactly what they need, no more, no less. You will receive weapons during wars if you are part of the People's Militia, of course.

Although we are a marxist party, we accept all communists. Trotskyist, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Luxemburgist(Yes, even you, Johnobrow.). Although they will have to accept the marxist foundations and intentions of the party, they are welcome to contribute their own ideas, and democraticly act on them.

As well as Communism, we stand for direct democracy. Everyone will get a say. Our plan of action and how we will achieve our communist society, and how it will be run are outlined, yet again in the following chapter.

How Our System Will Work

In the Communist system of our party, the economy would completely consist of communes. Initially, after our rise to power, a dictatorship of the proletariat would be initiated, whereas the private sector would be destroyed via high taxes. These high taxes will be maintained as a tool against the bourgousie. After the private sector is eliminated, state funds will be used to establish Communes in every needed sector, food, weapons, etc. You will be able to sign up on a spreadsheet, and will be assigned a commune based on your skillset. Because we will have 99% income tax, and a minimum wage of 1 currency, you will only receive 1 cent per hour. However, this is irrelevant, as you will be given 7 food every monday, and if we have spare houses, low wellness workers will be given them.

After the Communes are established, and the bourgousie have been driven out, the dictatorship of the proletariat will end, and a direct democracy based around workers councils will begin. Each Commune will have a worker's council, which will consist of all the workers in it. The Councils' meeting place will be on the official forums.(We may have to create new national forums if the Bourgousie pig, Kolshire, resists.) The Councils will decide What kind of material is made, which workers houses are distributed to, and other things. The councils will also decide military matters.

Our Misc Plans For A Better Ireland
We also have a Study Grant Program planned. This is where a low-skilled worker can apply for a grant, and he'll be removed from his commune, and be given Food every monday anyway. What will happen, is that instead of working, he'll put all of his hours into studying his skill. Allowing it to increase miles faster! Boosters might also be granted if gold is in good supply.

Another plan a marxist study group, wherein people would be recommended books on Marxism, and given links to audiobooks of things like Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. They would then discuss it with comrades on an IRC channel.

Thanks for reading, comrades. Please consider supporting us!