Manifesto by PK | מצע על פי פרפקט.נייט

Day 1,141, 15:08 Published in Israel Israel by Perfect.Knight

שלומות לכולם, למסמך מלא בעברית והסברים יותר מפורטים ומובנים אתם יכולים למצוא כאן :

המאמר הנ"ל באנגלית על מנת להגיע לחלק מהאוכלוסייה שלנו שלא מדבר עברית.

Greetings to all of Israel. As of right now, while I'm writing the article which I will present to my voters as documentation and as a preview to my plans in the upcoming term, I am the currently upcoming elected presented of eIsrael.
This might be a significant achievement but practically this means I have to gear up and start preparing and planning from now for what's going to be on the 6.1 so I can be as focused on the part and on my plans as possible.

This are the goals which I set to myself:

Military/Security -

Nurturing our Zanhanim unit. In the last month we've seen 2 missions, one to Indonesia (occupied Australia) and one to Croatia (Freeing regions from Serbia). I can tell you that in this area the game have brought us the best of tools and opportunities. We can create and entire unit from home and stay mobile. Due to the new rules which make it easier to move between countries for Knesset members and presidents, the term "Mobile Soldier" became much more simple and available. With these tools we can become from a country with zero value to the super powers to a country with a strategic weight. A mobile, disciplined, active, group of mobile soldiers that acts according to the best of eIsrael's political interests.
I would like to emphasize. The goal is to shake off the inactivity and inefficiency and adapt a sharp, elite commando unit. One that our allies would say :" the Israelis are attacking in X and Y time, we can count on them." As soon as we achieve that, we are one step forward towards keeping our borders safe in the future. Return in the same favor. As we help countries such as Poland, USA, Romania, Greece or Croatia, you can rest assured that the favor that'll be returned will be a 1,000 times bigger.
It's all a matter of attitude. Israel cannot actively operate an army with 100 people. Sure, I can send a private message to 100 people and tell them "come to the eIDF it'll be fun". 80 of them will say "kay cool" but wont do anything with it. Out of that 80, 10 people will tell you "OK, what now? How do we proceed? How can I contribute? What to do?" etc.
So first of all our goals for the next month in the military/security section are: Efficiency, Mobility, Activity.

Foreign Relations -

The world is changing.
There is a say in English: "Victory favors not the righteous nor the wicked; it favors the most prepared".
In the past week, a sort of a thunderstorm that comes after a lightning change the picture completely. If 3 weeks ago the world was divided to EDEN or PHOENIX ( and even those who weren’t inside these alliances were still divided to pro-EDEN or pro-PHOENI😵 and your goal as a small country was to be a proteje of one of the super alliances, then as for today, things has changed. After the introduction of the "Natural Enemy" feature the world view of super powers such as Serbia or Poland has change in 180 degrees. Instead of a super alliance that consists a small number of super powers and a lot of relatively week countries and subsidization of those super powers towards the smaller nations, Now there is a common understanding of preserving diplomatic relations as an independent state (many of the alliances are still the same, by the way). All of this occurs with the regional borders of the states.
What does that mean for us as a state? I have no intention of snoofing around EDEN's butt to much. As an alliance EDEN hasn't done much (yet still done a few things) for eIsrael. Most EDEN countries have always looked fondly of eIsrael thanks to the efforts of Israeli diplomats and share of common goals and interests(Turkey, for example, has set a firm strategic opponent to many of those states). Today we are in warm relations with many of them after bringing in people who speak the local languages ( Polish, Romanian, Greek, Spanish) thus helping us breaking the language barrier and passing on messages directly to the government in those states. So now, after seeing countries who were arch enemies become allies etc., my goal in the foreign section is to create a hothouse of direct contacts, whether they are Israeli ambassadors or personalities that will mediate between our countries and people more effectively. Work with the countries on the personal level. This basically means good things for us, we wont have to respond to EDEN when it comes to foreign policies. Of course we will have to pay attention to those we see as friends. We might even grow bigger and become mediators on the regional scene between Greece and Turkey for example.

The Interior -

This area is to be changed a lot in the game, technically speaking. If in the past we could create organizations and summarize the activity of that office for improving the office, due to the new upcoming rules, this would not be allowed. The goal is to create a structure that deals with knowledge acquiring and understanding of the game mechanics. The technical skeleton that lies beneath the flesh, which is the politics and the wars. This is in order to increase the population in about 10%. I believe this is a symbolic number to the least, due to the fact that I prefer that out of 100 new players that will die out in a couple of weeks, 10-15 of those new players will stay and become a part of the community. I do not take this scale as any sort of perimeter to calculating my success.
Also, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to return a number of lost organizations, such as this one:
Which we lost and could use a serious boost to our economy as a nation. Lets hope the admin team will consider our request. If you wish to help I suggest you open a ticket to the admins requesting for the organization to be return to the eIsraeli government. This might speed things up and get us the org faster.
Also I would like to remind everyone that there is a lot of room in this office to people who wish to learn and grow and become tomorrow's leaders. The office also needs help from some of the fresh young guys as well as the old foxes. Here is the link:

Economy -

Okay, you know this and I'm not going to hide it. I'm not the country's great economist. I don’t have a tax reform plan that'll save the economy. I'm a person who believes that there are a few ways to reach the same goal, and several solutions to one problem. What does that mean? This means that if person A thinks that we should increase the import taxes and keep the market safe in favor of the local companies in order to increase profits and keep the money rolling instate, in order to bring us to economical prosperity, and person B thinks the opposite, lowering the import taxes in order to lower prices so the citizen could buy more products with less money and make local business owners to compete with the imports, again, in order to get us to economical prosperity: agree with me that the goal is the same- economic prosperity of eIsrael. But, each person believes in his own way. One believes in the free market and the other believes in a more socialist structure. Each one has the right to express his opinion. The main problem starts when the 2 sides continuously start arguing about who is right, leaving the market, the companies, the citizens and the government without a solution, leaving the country at a standstill. What I suggest as a person that doesn't understand economics very well, is to make a decision as quick as possible, a decision that will be agreed by all involved people. A decision that upon could be said "Lets go with it" and try and push this mutually formed\fully agreed idea. On both sides. In this way I believe we can achieve goals. Thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and outside contacts, our borders have been safe for the past few months. But you could say we are "saving gold" much more slowly than expected. Its dripping. The problem is also the lack of the stability of the economy which causes the NIS to be unstable. Goes up and down every now and then.
As soon as we understand that, it will be easier for us all.
So please, eIsrael's economics wise men, discuss everything that there is to discuss, and get to a conclusion. A conclusion that will require everyone to contribute and help in order to produce results.

Some technical details-
The Cabinet is yet to be completed, and there are open jobs at all sections (new, young players who wish to progress- this is the address).

That is all folks.
Perfect.Knight- The person you love, and the person that some of you love to hate