Manic Eskimo For Congress

Day 880, 09:20 Published in USA Germany by Manic Eskimo

About Me a short history

For those of you who don't know me I'm an e-Globe trotting Socialist who has spent time in eCzech and eIreland.

In eIreland I started communes to help new players to have a better start to the game I then helped in founding the Irish Labour Party which has become one of the most powerful parties in the country LABOUR ABU. I co-founded the eIrish national soccer team although viruses ended my playing career early. In Czech I served as a member of congress for Moravia I also created the Ministery of New Citizens and was offered the position of Minister of Education unfortunately the Polish invasion put an end to that. During my time in Czech I also served as ambassador to Ireland and was one of the only foreign eCzechs to be asked to carry on my work after the creation of Czechoslovakia. I also have experience running non communal businesses.


Currently in the Socialist Freedom Party my roles include

Manager of the SFP communes
OCTO manager
Ambassador to Europe

So as you can see I like to keep busy


As always I put others needs before my own. I want to represent the eMerican people in Andrah Pradesh I would like to bring some fresh ideas to the United States Congress. I have some of my own but I would also like to represent others ideas so if i'm fortunate enough to be elected I would ask any citizen who has ideas to present them to me and I will try to get them viewed by congress.


Lets get one of the biggest issues effecting the eUSA under control

I propose that we create a database for all US citizens so if they decide to leave the country they can still hold their eUS citizenship. In effect it will be like having 2 passports no matter where you go you will always be an American citizen. This will make the job of the CTF and IES a whole lot easier by being able to check a citizens name against the database and to see if the person belongs here. I believe the US military uses a system similar to this but I believe it should be implemented nation-wide.

I will Publish a comprehensive plan for this in the near future

USA and Future Alliances

Trade And Military Alliance

I am a supporter of TAMA I believe that it is the next step to becoming a great super power. By being organized and having the strongest economies in the new world we will be able to fend of any countries who dared to attack us. For more information on TAMA please visit IRC channel #TAMA

TAMA is Brolliance Plus

It would involve all of our Current Bros but also attract new members.
You may ask but your a socialist why are you supporting free market capitalism?

Well when I see a revolutionary idea that will change the way the game is played and improve an already great nation I will fight to make it a reality.


I don't plan on making any tax changes this term unless I am presented with a proposal that truly warrants them.


Well as we approach our long awaited baby boom (hopefully) we in the SFP will continue supplying jobs to 0 skill workers and with our excellent mentoring system we hope to significantly contribute to the retention of our next generation.

I do believe that we need to bring about a conceptual change within the eUS with a view to getting more young citizens interested in ePolitics. The army has the Training Corps which does a wonderful job in retaining citizens perhaps we need a political scheme to get new citizens working.

Well thats about all for now folks I hope you consider me worthy to represent you in congress. Please leave a comment if you support my campaign and if you would like to speak with me you can usually find me in #socialistfreedomparty