Maloj Ljubici je potrebna vasa pomoc [SRB/EN]

Day 1,967, 05:14 Published in Japan Serbia by kowalski_afc

English version is bellow:

Ljubica Adamić (2) iz Sremske Mitrovice čeka u bolnici u Beču da njen otac nabavi 80.000 evra za presađivanje srca. Bez tog novca mala devojčica neće preživeti

BEOGRAD - Srce za Ljubicu čeka, a para nema.
- Molim vas da mi pomognete! Moja ćerkica od dve i po godine je u bolnici u Beču, čeka presađivanje srca, a nama nedostaje još 80.000 evra za operaciju, smeštaj i put. Urađeno joj je mehaničko srce, da izdrži dok ja nekako ne nađem pare. Već su je stavili na listu čekanja za novo srce i, čim se pojavi donator iz cele Evrope, tražiće nam novac i ona može da se operiše. A ja mogu samo da se ubijem ko pas ako ne nabavim toliko para, a srce za nju stigne. Šta tada da radim?! Ja sam siromašan čovek, pošten i radan, i nemam bogate prijatelje i poznanike. Nemam nikoga ko ima pare ili neke dobre veze. Ne znam kako sam da pokrenem akciju, ne koristim čak ni taj Fejsbuk. Zato molim vas u Kuriru da mi pritrčite u pomoć. Vi ste najbolji i najosećajniji i sada ste mi jedina nada - ovako se javio Kuriru Šimi Adamić iz Sremske Mitrovice, čija ćerkica Ljubica Adamić boluje od kardiomiopatije i čeka u bolnici da se sakupe pare kako bi joj vrhunski stručnjaci u Beču presadili srce.

Kurir je još prošle godine u više navrata pisao o ovoj devojčici i od tada je cifra od 120.000 evra smanjena na 80.000. Beba je prošla sve preglede i pre mesec dana joj je urađeno takozvano mehaničko srce, koje će je održati u životu dok ne dođe vreme za transplantaciju. Prema rečima doktora, zagarantovano je da će operacija uspeti i da će nakon toga beba biti spasena. Kako kaže njen otac, lekari su se bojali kako će podneti mehaničko srce, ali srećom, sve je prošlo dobro, a ona se pokazala izdržljivo i sa željom za život.

- Evo, prekjuče su je probudili, juče su već počeli da je hrane. Podnela je hrabro, duša moja, bori se. Iako je tako mala, po svemu se vidi da želi da živi. Ne da se! U poslednjem operativnom zahvatu plakala je i molila da je ne ostavim sa lekarima. Pošto ne zna da kaže „š„, mene zove Mimi, i kad su je lekari vozili u salu, ona je plakala i žalosno vikala: „Mimi, ne daj me.“ Ja sam hteo da se srušim od tuge - kaže Šimi.

Braća i sestre štede i na čokoladi

- Imam petoro male dece, ona je najmlađa. Svi zajedno štedimo. Što se kaže, odvajamo od usta. Je l’ vi verujete da moja druga deca neće da traže i jedu ni čokolade ni bombone otkako se Ljubica razbolela. Sve mi kažu: „Tata, čuvaj te pare da dodaš za sekino srce, mi ne volimo slatkiše!“ Zamislite vi to - priča za Kurir očajni otac Šimi.

Brat: Izvadite moje srce, dajte ga sestrici

Za malu Ljubicu i njeno novo srce porodica bi sve dala, ali u ovom slučaju, nažalost, dobra volja nije dovoljna, već presudnu ulogu igra novac.
- Zamislite šta je moj sinčić Dragan od sedam godina rekao kad smo saznali da je Ljubica bolesna i da joj treba novo srce. Molio me je: „Tata, vodi me u bolnicu, kaži im da meni izvade srce i da ga daju seki.“ A meni duša da pukne. Ne znam kako sve ovo preživljavam i odakle mi snage, niko ne zna kakve su muke kad ti je dete bolesno, a ti nemoćan - priča nesrećni otac Šimi, verujući da će Srbija ponovo pokazati složnost i pomoći i njegovom detetu.

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Little Ljubica needs your help

Ljubica Adamić (2), Sirmium, is waiting at the hospital in Wien that her father pays 80.000 euro for the transplantation of a heart. Without that money, little girl won’t survive

Belgrade – The heart is waiting for Ljubica, but there is no money

- I’m begging you to help me! My daughter, two and half years old, is waiting for the transplantation of the heart in one of the hospitals in Wien, but we are missing 80.000 euro more for the operation, stay and travel. Mechanical heart is already inserted, to survive until I don’t find the money. She’s on the waiting list for the new heart, and as soon as there will be donator from the Europe, they will ask us the money and she will be operated. I can only make a suicide, like a dog, if I don’t find that money and heart will be ready. What shall I do?! I’m a poor man, honest and hardworking, without wealthy friends. I don’t have anyone who has that money or some connections. I don’t know how to start an action, I’m not even using Facebook. That’s why I’m begging you in “Kurir” to help me. You are the best and show that you are feeling my pain and you are my only hope – it’s how Šimi Adamić, Sirmium called us, which daughter Ljubica Adamić is sick from Cardiomyopathy and waiting in the hospital that her family collect the money, needed for the transplantation of the heart by medicals.

“Kurir” already wrote several times last year about this girl, and from then, the needed sum from 120.000 euro falls down to 80.000. Baby already passed all exams and month ago, mechanical heart is insterted, which will keep her alive until the transplantation. By doctor’s words, they guarantee the success of the operation and baby will be saved. By her father’s words, doctors were afraid how her body will accept mechanical heart, but luckily, all went good and she show up very tough and with the wish for a life.

- Two days ago they wake her up, yesterday they started to feed her. She has courage, my little love, she’s struggling. Besides she’s so small, it’s visible that she wants to live. She doesn’t give up! Before the last operation, she was crying and begging me that I don’t leave her with doctors alone. Because she doesn’t know to pronounce the voice “sh”, she calls me Mimi, and when doctors took her to the operational hall, she was crying and begging me: “Mimi, don’t give that they take me. I fall down from the sorrow – said Šimi (pronouncing Shimi).

Brothers and sisters doesn’t want chocolate
- I have five kids, she’s the youngest. We are all taking care of every cent. We are not eating almost. My other kids doesn’t want to ask me or to eat the chocolate or bonbons from the start of Ljubica’s sickness. They all tell me: “Papa, take care of that money, we are giving that for our sister’s heart, we don’t like sweets!”. Imagine that – Šimi is telling to “Kurir”

Brother: Take my heart, give it to my sister
For little Ljubica and hear new heart, whole family will give everything, but in this case, unlucky, good will is not enough, but the money.

- Imagine whatmy son Dragan (7 y.o.) told me when we found out that Ljubica is sick and that she needs new heart. He was begging me: “Papa, take me to the hospital, tell them to take my heart and gave him to my sister”. And I wanted to let my soul beacuase of those words. I don’t know how I’m surviving this and from where I’m taking strength, no one knows how it is when your kid is sick, and you are simply without any possibility to help – told us unhappy father Šimi, believing that Serbia will again show up the will and help to his child.

The article is copied from one of the journal.

This is an appeal to all those able to contribute to make an deposit to the following bank account (payments from aboard):

Šimi Adamić
IBAN RS35355000320016646282