Making What Seems Impossible, Possible

Day 677, 19:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

"It always seems impossible until it is done." Nelson Mandela

Wise words.

Ones that have been on my mind much of late. In RL, I am faced with a task that seems impossible. It is very dire and people will die if things stay the way they are. I wish that was an exaggeration, but it is not.

This game helps to hone the skills I need in order to make the impossible, possible.

When looking at the state of things in eIreland, we find ourselves in an interesting position. A position where we have the opportunity to change the world in a positive and profound way. We can be the leader amongst neutral nations such as our own. Now is the time to lay the foundation. To make the seemingly impossible, possible.

There is much discussion going on in the forums about what form this should take. Should we remain independently neutral? Should we join an existing alliance? Or should we create our own alliance?

And if we create our own alliance, what form should it come in? Should it be bilateral or multilateral? Who do we invite to the table?

So many unanswered questions. So many possibilities. So many pitfalls.

Not unlike the RL task I am facing. I will find the answers I need and find the path I must take. I may fall and my knees may be bloodied from the effort, but I will triumph in the end. Because what I do matters. What I do changes the world even if it is only my little part of the world.

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens
Congresswoman for Cork & Kerry