Making the Monetary Market Work For You

Day 1,142, 18:26 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

I would first like to congratulate, Haliman on his presidential victory today and I wish him the best of luck in this upcoming month. Now onto the purpose of my article. Many citizens see owning a company as the sole way to generate personal funds in this game, but I am here to tell you if you believe this you are sorely mistaken. The Monetary Market, or MM for short, can provide a great way for you to earn some cash and all you have to do is just sit and wait. There is no hiring or firing of employees and it is really the easiest way for you to earn some extra cash on the side. Now my young Warren Buffett’s, let us begin your lesson on how get rich.

I pity the fool who doesn’t invest on the Monetary Market

Starting Up:

The first step to investing on the Monetary Market is this website, this website will be your best friend. On that website, you will be able to sort countries by size, gold price, currency price, and spread. The sorter I use most frequently is the spread sorter. The spread sorter shows you the difference between a countries gold price and their currency price. You will use that information to help you place offers on the monetary market which I will explain about in a moment.

The ladies love the gold so go out there and get you some

Investment Strategies:

In the interest of time and the hope that you will actually sub this paper, I will be covering just two types of investment strategies, one will be short term and the other long term.

The Old Switcharoo

This investment strategy, which is short term, involves taking Gold and turning it into currency then taking that currency and turning it back into beautiful gold and if you don’t suck you will end up with more Gold than what you started with. So the first step to this strategy is to use the website from above and identify a country that has a positive spread. As an example, I will be using Croatia which I invested 10 Gold onto their market today. I went to that website and saw that Croatia had a positive spread. I then put an offer down for 1 Gold = 64.1 HRK using all 10 of my Gold . After doing this, my Gold was sold off and I was left with 641 HRK. I then sold this HRK for a rate of 1 HRK = 0.016 Gold which is the going rate currently. After that was sold off, I was left with 10.26 Gold and I had just made a .26 Gold or 13 USD profit. Not bad for something that literally took me 10 second to do altogether. Keep in mind you can do this several times a day with a variety of countries.

It comes in slow at first but trust me it will begin to pile up

The sit and wait

As I am sure you have noticed, nothing in this game ever remains permanent including invasions. Russia was wiped from the map as was Hungary but they both came back. Fortunately for you, a large profit can be made when a country is wiped or heavily invaded and this is the long term strategy. Lets for example take France who has been heavily invaded several times. Right now they are sitting at a pretty 1 FRF = 0.035 Gold. However during an invasion, a countries currency will devalue extremely and may drop by .006 or more. So lets say France is invaded and it drops down to a rate of 1 FRF = 0.029 Gold. When the currency is at its low point you buy it up. Lets say you use 10 Gold to buy FRF at this rate which would give you 345 FRF. Then when France fights back and regains regions, the price will go back up to lets say 0.033. You will then sell your FRF and using that conversion rate you would be left with 11.39 Gold and you have just made a 1.39 Gold profit. Pretty fucking amazing. Now of course, this strategy has more risk as you dont know exactly when a country will be set free so you maybe sitting on it for a long while.

Warning: using the MM to get profit may cause one to break out into dance

Additional Tips

- Beware of the small nations. When you look at that website you will notice that most of the smaller nations have a large spread which means you could get a bigger profit. However, remember these nations may only have 100-200 active citizens so trading on the monetary market occurs very infrequently so you may be sitting on your investment for a long time. I am not saying dont invest in small nations, I am just saying you might not want to throw all your Gold onto the Thailand market.

- Double check your offers before you post. There have been several instances throughout eHistory where investors will forget a zero or a decimal and they will end up losing big. For example you may put 1 Gold = 5.0 USD when you really meant 1 Gold = 50.0 USD so always make sure to check your offers before you post.

Well that is all I have for you today my friends, please remember to vote and sub. Until next time.....

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak