Making sense of it all: An eRepublik overview

Day 475, 15:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by giantnads
What is the eRepublik?
The eRepublik is an intriguing mix between a social-network and an entirely player-driven global simulation. It is a text-based MMO, and has everything the real world has, including an economy; politics; media; military; and so on. The game is designed to take just 15 minutes per day to maintain an active citizen.

In eRepublik, users become a citizen of a nation, based on those in the real world. They take part in a simulation of the real world's economic and political spheres. Players can take jobs or establish their own companies and organisations. They can get involved in wars between other citizen-run countries, or get elected as a president.

The economy is strikingly realistic. You have two separate kinds of currency, GOLD (which can be converted to anything else) and your nation's currency (IEP, GBP, etc.) Conversion rates can change, the economy inflates, and all of those little details give eRepublik a kind of living sense to it. It's good if you just want to be able to appreciate the work put into it, or if you want to set aside your real income and become an obsessed freak, following every economic move that happens. You also need to hold down a job or post a kind of resume, and hope someone chooses you for their company (you can create your own company, but you won't be able to do it when you first start out; you’ll need to reach level 9 or above and have 20G in hand).

Keeping up with politics can be a buzz if your into that sort of thing. Users get chosen as congressmen, and eventually presidents. The president of a nation has direct control over a lot of the things that happen in a country. Early on you can pick a political party related to your nation and contribute. (However, many players claim it seems, that the political parties promise a lot and give nothing).

Wars are common in the Erepublik. The presidents of nations are pretty smart, though, so there aren't crazy invasions every second (except with Indonesia, they’re absorbing smaller nations as we speak). For example, Norway engaged in friendly battle with Finland to raise their mutual economies.

You can read and write newspapers to become a “media mogul”. They’re normally related to Erepublik and its happenings, but some of the newspapers are pretty interesting even when off topic.

How does it work?
Founded in 2007, eRepublik is the first massive multiplayer online game from eRepublik Labs, a game developer based in Dublin. Based in the mirror world of “eRepublik” citizens run their countries, build businesses, lead political parties, volunteer for the military and write newspapers. Essentially browser based, eRepublik runs in HTML and Javascript. Navigation and gameplay is accomplished via the mouse and keyboard.

Payment Metho😛
eRepublik is free to play, but earns revenue via the purchase of "Gold" which allows players to purchase extra functionality.

Key Features:
- Massively multiplayer social network/global simulation/strategy game
- Every event is player driven—every president is a real player, and every company is player owned
- A real, democratic political system
- Features a turn based fighting engine

A lot of people really get into the game, and take it very seriously, but it's still fun to just play every once in a while (though, you do have to keep up with it because your player can starve to death if you don't feed him/her every day). There's a tonne of stuff to read and do (or at least read), and it's quite difficult (you're thrown in with only Plato to give you hints and tips) to familiarize yourself with all the features.