Make Your Vote Count eSA!!!

Day 1,040, 09:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by Zagarius

Good Day eSA!!! I am writing this article as I check in on you every now and again... I am not running for anything and have handed off the reigns of the PSA (Proudly South Africa) program to a trusted citizen.

Today, I am here to talk to you about the election and who should be voted for and not to vote for. As my image above states, My Vote Counts as does yours. Life here is never dull and we need to focus on those who we can trust to make our lives better and who will protect us from those who seem to make life difficult for all proud and patriotic eSAers!

You will see lists from every side saying, "VOTE ME" or "PTO Party Don't Vote". I have been one to look at what these parties or candidates have done for me lately. I can say without hesitation that the list I am about to put forth is for eSA and not out for their selfish need for greed and power... You have probably have seen the Ministry's of Security list of candidates to vote for in each region. I support and back this group of candidates. I advise all voters to check the following link first before going to vote, this way you can put your vote where it is needed most. See that article here

Check the vote count before you vote!

There is a bit of delay but you will get a good idea who needs your vote...

So you wonder why I even wrote this article? Well pretty simple, for an "inactive citizen" and player like me to come here and show my Support and ACT means we all can do something to stop injustice and greed. This may seem little and petty by some, but I ask, what are you doing to help eSA?