Make your choice.

Day 451, 17:05 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

It seems, at this moment, that I am the only candidate for party presidency of FBS. St00r stood down when he realised he was in the race. If Jbmalin runs, I'll be happy, because if I still won without anyone else running I would call it tarnished. As if the first time I won would be because no one else challenged me. And remember, I ran against Danny and Carradine, and twice against Flammbar, except no one seemed to notice that.

So, why vote for me? First indication that I'm a good candidate is that as soon as I announced my presidency against Toothpaste I was excluded from regeringen. Which is pretty much the reason FRONT was formed. Toothpaste disagreed and excluded. Toothpaste turned out to be full of excrements. Turns out, experience isn't replacable. I like enthusiastic players, I pretty much forced Misho into congress back in the day. But experience still has value. We have an unexperienced hack steering the ship. Not just FBS but eSweden as a whole.

I've been on the ship for 10 months. None of my captains are active any more. And with our current captain it seems our captain has taken water over the heads of the entire nation. I will not stand for it anymore. I'm tired of being in the backgrounds. I have ideas on how to fix this nation. Let the company owners fix the company climate. Let the union fix the salaries. That's their job, not the government. If they can't do it, then why do they exist? When has the union ever had a strike? They can bitch and moan all they want. As far as I'm concerned they're being run by a Radsoc sympathiser. Radsoc, pretty much the Quisling of Sweden, no matter how he justifies it, the biggest traitor in our history. No one even remembers Otto Antid anymore. Back in the day, when treason was shocking. I see a lot of new players with the enthusiasm eSweden needs. Both in FBS and in FRONT. And if I win, I hope me and Icehacker, no matter who is president, can figure out a way for FBS and FRONT to find common ground. My goal is to let a representative from each of the 5 parties into congress, like it used to be, and everyone worked within constitutional standards for the common good. Even if you were in an opposition party, you contributed more than you got credit for, you made us (FBS) see other angles than we normally would without you. You did make a difference. You gave us an extra point of view. All the parties in congress need representation in this country. FBS alone doesn't work. The reason we managed to make this nation as awesome as it was, was that we listened to each and every opinion. Somewhere along the line, that quality was lost.

We need to hear the union, the CEOs, the communists, the nationalist, the imperialists and even me, the drunken pervert. I'm here, as a neutral politician, and I seriously want what is best for sweden. Seeing what has happened to this nation in the last six months killed me. Everything we worked for has gone further and further downhill, culminating in front. Toothpaste could never handle a debate. He shunned Icehacker, like he shunned me.

FRONT is the legacy of Toothpaste. An entire party formed because of his incompetence. And I was one of the first to denounce that prick.

Vote for me, as party leader of FBS. And maybe, maybe, we'll have a chance of reclaiming the glory days of sweden, where politicians shook each others hands and saw each others as comrades and colleagues, instead of opponents and enemies.

One can only hope.

Edit: Turns out, all of a sudden, there are other candidates. Like, don't vote for them.