
Day 1,956, 14:32 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Majko...Ni sam ne znam koliko puta si me rodila!!Kada god bih pao bila si tu da mi pruzis ruku i podignes iz bilo koje prasine i nikada nisi cak ni razmisljala da li sam zasluzio da budem podignut...Znam ja vrlo dobro da sam trebao dole da ostanem ali tvoja ruka to nikada nije dozvolila!!Uvek me vukla napred cak i kada sam bio daleko od tebe!!Oprastala si mi ono sto ja sam sebi verovatno nikada necu oprostiti i bila uz mene u siuacijama u kojima bih sam sebe sigurno ostavio...I zaboravio...

Ali ti nikada nisi!!

Sta u zivotu mogu da uradim a da to bude samo moja pobeda???

Apsolutno nista...Svaka pobeda bice zajednicka jer si je ti verovatno mnogo vise od mene izvojevala!!

Mnogo puta je trebalo da se borim kao lav i iskupim nekako tu snagu ali bez podrske najhrabrije lavice pobeda bi ostala daleko i pokunjen i porazen bih samo mogao da napustim front!!

Nikada niko od nas u zivotu nece moci da ima boljeg prijatelja od prave majke koja je sebe zrtvovala zarad zivota i uspeha svoje dece!!

Najveca ljubav koja moze da postoji je ona koju jedna majka moze da oseca prema detetu svom!!

Ne postoji tret koji je prevelik za jednu pravu mamu kada mora da ga ponese za svoje dete!!!

Ako ne naucimo da postujemo nju koja nas je rodila i da je volimo nikada nikoga necemo voleti niti cemo postovati...

Zato mama hvala ti za sve sto si za svog budalastog sina cinila sve ove godine!!Hvala za svaki sekund koji si posvetila samo meni...I onda kada sam kako blesan skakao po kuci od sreci i onda kada si besane noci provodila pored mene bolesnog!!!Hvala ti sto si mi tuznom suze brisala i bila moje rame za plakanje!!!Za sve ono sto si mi poklonila a ja nicim zasluzio,hvala ti...

Hvala ti sto si me rodila!!!

Mother... Even I am not sure how many times you have given me life!! Whenever I was down, you were there to give me your hand and pull me out of any dirt I was in and you've never ever thought whether I deserved it... Yet well I know that I should have been left down, but your hand has never allowed that to happen!! You have always pulled me forward, even if I was far away from you!! You've forgiven what I would probably never forgive myself and you've been by my side in situations in which I would let myself down... and forget all about it...

But you've never have!!

What can I do in my life which would be my own victory only???

Absolutely nothing... Each and every victory will be mutual because you have probably been fighting much more than me!!

There were many times when I should have fought as a lion and gather that strength somehow, but without the support of the bravest lioness the victory would be far away and I would have left the battlefield meek and defeated!!

No friend will ever be better than a mother who has sacrificed herself for the life and success of her own children!!

The greatest love that exist is the love of a mother to her child!!

There is no burden too big for a mother when she has to take her child in her arms!!!

If we do not learn to respect and love her, the one who gave us birth and life, we won't be able to love or respect anybody...

Therefore, thank you, mother, for everything you've done for your foolish son for all these years!! Thank you for each second you've dedicated to all these moments when I cheerfully jumped all over the place out of the sheer happiness, and for the sleepless nights you've spent by my bed when I was ill!!! Thank you for drying my tears and letting me weep on your shoulder!!! For everything you have given me, and which I didn't deserve, thank you...

Thank you for giving me life!!!

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