Maddog Jones for The Unity Party President

Day 1,084, 10:54 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by John O'Melveny
Welcome to my manifesto for Party Leader!
It shall be split up into the following sections, which are the main parts of eRepublik (as well as an introduction and conclusion):

I hope to show you, the people of The Unity Party, how I view our parties position, what I love about this party, new ideas I plan to implement, and how we can carry on going, despite being at the top.

I will take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Maddog Jones. I have been playing this game for nearly two years (two years in May). I am a Welshman in real life, and I'm very proud to be one - I'm proud of all our British Isles.

I started off at the bottom, like anyone else. I made my way to the eUK Forums, which is where British Political careers are born. I was soon Under-Minister of Trade. I worked my way up through determination and hard work over the course of two months, and became Head of Domestic Trade. I was very pleased with this, as it was a position that helped me to hire apprentices - and I used to love (and still do!) getting new players active and involved in helping Britain. As Head of Domestic Trade, I met GGRyan, who I hired as one of my apprentices, all that time ago. GGRyan is now an ex Prime Minister of the UK - serving his term last month. How time flies when you're having fun.

After I had burnt myself out on economics, I moved on to fresher pastures in eSouth Africa for a short holiday. This short holiday soon became a great work-experience for me, as I was blooded into the military way of life. Soon I rose to the top position of South African military, the Minister of Defence, after again working my way up from a lowly apprentice.

Soon I was embroiled in top level wars - the small South Africans fighting the mighty Indonesians and Brazilians - and, to my pleasure, we (and I) won. I came back to the UK in the light of this victory, and because Britain needed me - we were being invaded by USA, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Spain and more. South Africa was re-occupied after I left, but I didn't take it to heart - Britain was my home country, always had been, always would be.

We repelled that invasion. I served as an Officer in the Royal Guards, bringing my southern-hemisphere military intelligence and know-how into the respectable but small position.

I soon became engaged in another sphere of eRepublik life - with economics and military checked, I searched for my first cabinet role, this time in domestic affairs. I gained it, under then (and current) Prime Minister, TUP member, Jamesw. I found my niche again in my love of helping new players get involved in the game, and became Minister of Recruitment. That checked domestics off of my checklist.

I also (like my honourable opponent in these elections, who is also a close friend) served as Party President in another Political Party. In fact, I served as Party President in two - one in Britain, one in South Africa. This, along with three terms in the House of Commons, gave me the political experience I boast today.

And so there you have it - perhaps longer than I would have liked an 'introduction' to be, but that is my eRepublik life, making me the most well-rounded candidate in these elections, with experience in Economics, Military, Domestic Affairs and Politics, as I highlighted above.

Being a Party President does not really entail much in the way of Economics - however, I do have extensive knowledge on the subject (born out of my time as Underminister of Trade, Head of Domestic Trade, and prospective research in the Ministry of Profit, and the fact that I study it in real life). In this way, I could use this knowledge to help the party - we do run several companies, and there are plans to open more. We use the food made in our companies to give to new players - a scheme I thoroughly enjoy and I am of the opinion that it pays its way in TUP-friendly new players.
We use the Moving Tickets made in our companies to aid us in the Congress (or House of Commons if you dislike having to use American terms for this game like me).
The discussion of opening more companies from our vast gold reserves is an appealing one, especially for the uses that have been outlined and described to me. I would encourage this, after a little research by myself, and a vote on the matter.

Again, this has little to do with being a Party President. However, I do again have significant experience and intelligence in the matter, and so I am inclined to write my opinion on it. I thoroughly support fighting back the Canadians and Irish who currently occupy us (we have not forgotten you in the occupied regions, and we will not forget the misdeeds done by their occupiers) as soon as economically possible, and when the situation is ripe to not only rip through our original regions, but to look at the possibility of acquiring a few new regions from Canada and Ireland for their intolerable actions. We can't have former colonies thinking they're above us, after all.

Domestic Affairs.
I believe the current Minister of Home Affairs (a TUP member) and the current Minister of Communications (a TUP member) do a fantastic job, and they have the domestic area covered. This is also an informed opinion, as I have been a domestic minister in my role of Minister of Recruitment, and I currently work part-time under the Ministry of Home Affairs as a Underminister (top dog) of Mentoring in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
That being said, we need to look at the domestic position of our party, and in particular we are losing members - don't be disheartened by that however, the whole game is losing members - we are losing members at a slower rate than the other parties. However, if we could see it to increase our membership when others are declining, we could really cement our position at the top.

This is where the important things come in. House of Commons elections, Prime Minister elections, recruitment for party membership, and more - these things all currently go on, and will continue to under me.
It is my aim for us to retain our 50+% majority in the House of Commons to be able to pass legislation as we see fit - this has worked well for the country in the past month, and will continue to when we retain this majority under me.
We will, with the fantastic candidates we already have lined up, and the amazing campaigns we always pull out, win the Prime Ministerial elections.
I will be keep a daily-updated graph of Party Membership if I win so that we can see and scrutinise how it is moving and start to move it up.
I will also begin to look at, and implement, techniques of getting more mobile voters for House of Commons elections - they are vital for winning, and if we can streamline our already near-perfect method of gaining them, with a bit of elbow grease, we can pull off something really special.
Finally, I have a top-secret idea that those of you on our top secret forums will know by now - one that means we always have a Unity Party man or woman in cabinet positions, or ready to replace the current cabinet member - meaning we can ensure a bright, Unity Party future.

In conclusion, here's the plan for the month - retain power, extend power, for both The Unity Party and the United Kingdom!
See you at the polling booths folks, and then to Scotland (currently occupied), Ireland, Canada, and beyond!

Maddog Jones
The Unity Party Official Party Presidential Candidate.

PS - I also advocate The Unity Party having a greater media presence - so my shameless election gift to the party are 5 organisations, TUP1, TUP2, TUP3, TUP4, and TUP5, who will give us one extra vote each on every article we publish - look out for them in the comments section below!