Maddog for Prime Minister of the eUK

Day 1,281, 14:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by John O'Melveny

I'd like to announce my intention to run for a third term as Country President of the United Kingdom. I appreciate this is very early, but I've set some of my thoughts aside now so that they can be fully discussed, and I can have some input from you about where we want to take things from here.

Many will know who I am and what I'm about, but for the sake of those who are new to the eUK, I think it only fair that I post a short resumé of my activities. Over the course of my 2 year e-life, I've done a great deal. I've served as a congressman for 5 terms, and outside of that served as an expert advisor to congress. I've served as a minister in a number of capacities for different governments, but have never served as Prime Minister.

I'm probably most well known for my military and sexual prowess - having served in many different command appointments in the eUK military, including a stint as Chief of the General Staff (Minister of Defence). On top of this, my first term as Country President was extremely militarily active. I've also represented the eUK in a major alliance, as well as serving on the Phoenix staff for a month.

It seems to me that in order to have the necessary firepower when war inevitably breaks, the eUK needs a strong military presence. Historically, this has always been based on a national armed forces. Certainly in my first two terms, I prioritised the UKAF above all else. However, during the recent Ireland war, I've seen how effective co-ordination between the leaders of all fighting forces can be. Accordingly, as CP I'd see a unified strike leadership channel and invite the upper tiers of various military units, to bolster our national damage and ensure that we are fighting in unity. As far as any financial support going to paramilitaries - to my mind, that is a decision for congress to make, however I'd be clear from the start that government would support any such decision made by congress and carry out their wishes.

I'd also like to see more public and accessible accounts of military spending. It's important that there is an open and transparent nature in such sensitive matters as money changing hands, and there's no major security threat to releasing the ordinary spending plan to citizens as the plan can easily change abruptly in times of war. It's important that national money is seen to be spent wisely, to get good value for money in terms of influence, and an efficient supply chain to get our soldiers what they need, when they need it.

One of the major complaints filed against the UKAF is that the ranks are too complicated, that they reward people who oughtn't be rewarded, and fail to encourage those who ought to be encouraged. Accordingly, I'd like to see a new system of ranks and promotions, streamlined and made more simple, where combatants are promoted based on time and activity. This could be tracked on a page in the military hub, so each soldier could see his or her own progress.

I also feel it's important to make joining the military much quicker and more simple. A more aesthetically pleasing 'wizard' to guide through the process with more understandable questions would sit nicely on the hub, and an IRC notice to commanders as soon as a request is made to ensure the fastest possible processing of an application.

As the commander for the UK Special Forces Military Unit, I know first hand just how useful the new MU's are for distributing orders and keeping track of soldiers. Accordingly, I feel the eUK ought to be looking at possibilities to expand the use of MUs across the UKAF, to best harness the damage that citizens have to offer. Of course, as CP I'd also be setting a Campaign of the Day and keeping it up to date with the latest priority battles.

Whatever is going on domestically, it's of paramount importance to consider the international scene. This term, we've seen active wars with both Ireland and Canada, which have demonstrated more than ever before the importance of foreign politics. It's also one of the most difficult areas to make promises, because they inevitably rely on some other not-yet elected party. Accordingly, I will look at the aims I would set for a successful foreign policy.

Firstly, I'll be looking to maintain a Natural Enemy bonus throughout my term. The bonus in terms of training value (+0.5 free strength per day), to a lesser extent in influence (+10% vs NE), and economically (in the trade of weapons, food etc.) is certainly worth the logistical headache of managing a war. This would either be a Training War (TW), or a direct war on one of our enemies. Luckily, I've had a lot of experience in managing wars in my first term as CP, and so we ought to be able to juggle this with our international goodwill missions.

As a part of this, we'd also be looking to secure resources to maximise our productivity domestically. I hope that for the most part, this can be done peacefully through region swaps and rental deals, but those who know me will know I'm not one to rule out the possibility of spoils of war.

The recent activities of the month have also shown the importance of strong ties with allies, to give and receive military aid through MPPs and military movements. If elected it would be my aim not only to encourage an affordable number of MPPs with strong allies, but also to build on my already good relations with a number of other nations in order to nurture a rapport and a reputation of the eUK as a nation of honour, pride, and loyalty.

As I have already discussed, the key to maximising productivity lies in securing as many valuable resources as is feasible to do so. It gives personal productivity a boost, as well as making the UK marketplace competitive nationally and in terms of exports. My aim would be to encourage any market excess to be exported in order to take advantage of foreign exchange rates while keeping good value and security in the pound. This could be achieved through sponsoring licences for citizens, and through congress management of export taxes.

With congress taking such an active interest in the system of taxation, it seems to me that the role of the CP is simply to facilitate active discussion of economics and act as an advisor to congress. What I feel that government ought to oversee is the monitoring of UK market data, such as the price of raw goods, the value of GBP and any potential threats to the currency. Accordingly, I'd see the continuation of public market reports.

I'd like to kick off my domestique boutique with an idea that I have been developing with the help of Jan Baykara. I'd like to push forward with an idea for a more interactive eUK Government website, with links to guides, government articles, an explanation of current statutes, votes going through the House of Commons, pages about congress and congressmen, pages about government ministers and ministries etc.

It is my hope that bringing all this information together would provide not only an interesting page for those of us who have been around for a while, but also an informative hub for all players to start to dip their feet into the eUK community pool. I'd also like to explore using the website to host referenda using the eAPI, so that the whole population can become more involved in government. I've started to learn how the API works myself and am already making good progress with the website.

As a part of this open style of government, I would be looking to release articles in-game every 48-96 hours, on top of the daily announcements on the forums. I will remain easily contactable through Private Message, the forums, or IRC throughout.

The Ministry of Home Affairs would have the aforementioned nice new website to write articles for and keep up to date, as well as the more standard jobs of in-game articles, PMing campaigns and shouts. I would hope to see a continuation of some of the excellent fun events that the eUK has seen in the earlier parts of this year, including trivia and Monarch weeks.

Of course, recruitment of a new player base is crucial and once again I'd see a Ministry of Recruitment taking a central role in such endeavours, marshalling the efforts of the eUK to drive through recruitment.

I would seek to continue my congress screening concept from February, to establish an ATO system to prevent any potential threat to UK sovereignty.

Cross-Party Congressional Committee

It is my hope that because it would only involve the top 5 parties, and they would have to be completely in agreement, that such a system would protect our democracy.

STAGE 1 begins with a cross-party discussion about potential problem candidates. If they are identified early, and agreed to be a problem by all top 5 party presidents, then if available, the Army will offer up candidates to act as "blockers".

STAGE 2 involves government generating reports on every single congressional candidate for the top 5 parties, and then offering advice to the top 5 party presidents. If they all agree that a candidate is a problem, that candidate will be publically named as such on the forums and in-game, and an Army ATO group will be prepared to deal with such threats. This will be optional for Army soldiers, and if they prefer to vote for their affiliation they will be free to do so.

STAGE 3 involves the active management of ATO voters to oust the threat, if required. This can be organised through the MoD, as it was in the previous election. I might also add that voting out of the less desirable candidate will be in favour of the alternative with the most economical choice, rather than down any party lines.

Thanks for your time,
Maddog Jones