Macedonia vs Greece

Day 1,383, 07:06 Published in North Macedonia Serbia by Tatko_ti

Hello friends! This is another article from me, third in 3 days... Ask the bulgarians they know the previous one called "The troll award" whitch u can see it here. So now, I want to make some things clear with the eGreece citizens...

As most of you know, eMacedonia and eGreece are enemies for life, here and in the RL. eMacedonia kept eGreece occupied for a relative long time. They didn't like that.. Now, on the battlefield they have wings from all of EDEN/TERRA countries and strike ahead, trying to delete us. Today these counties play also basketball and I know that both sides will have something to tell on the opponent.

But, let me tell you this greeks: You may erase us here from the Balcans, but we still have our Asian/African Kingdom 😉. You may win today's basketball match, but still we will be proud of who we are and where do we come from.

At the end, you will see the only truth that was, is and will be here, that's Republik of MACEDONIA, so I can't wait to see you hearing the Macedonian antheme and do nothing about it. After all, we all know the only truth...

DEJA VU. Problem?