MaartenW - some things you might want to know

Day 734, 09:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by RepsaJ

Please vote this article up, you don't have to agree with it, I just want many people to read it!

I'll start with a little bit of history. More than half a year ago, the real RepsaJ and some other people started the "Bond van Beschermers". You could compare it with The Group, but less big and less powerful. But we had some good business running all over the eGlobe.
The BvB consisted of; RepsaJ, Caseyftw, Hardcore-gabber, MaartenW, hegje and me (Huk3d at that time).
When Casey and I got banned (we gave RepsaJ our passwords so he could vote for us when we were away), we both quitted. Apparently, not too long after that even RepsaJ, hegje and Hardcore-gabber quit. As you can read in this article;, he got the 300 gold we had made in legacy from RepsaJ. Nothing wrong with this, because he was the only one still playing.

But, now the important part comes. As most of you know, I recently started playing again. In my inventory was a Q5 house. A few days later, I got a message that MaartenW had donated me something. I looked into my inventory. There was nothing, expect for a Q1 house. MaartenW had logged in to my account and switched the Q5 house for a Q1 house. Doing this to an old companion you could already call NOT cool.
But now, when I just dicovered het got frikkin 300 gold from RepsaJ, I really got angry. It just doesn't make sense, stealing a Q5 house from an old "friend" when you have 300 gold :/

You just don't do such a thing...

Well, think about it what you want, but I just really wanted people to know this.

Regards, RepsaJ/Huk3d