LXVI: Parties

Day 1,153, 20:00 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

A little music, perhaps?

A Vicious Cycle
Political parties serve only one purpose in this game, technically speaking: to promote and place qualified members of their party into higher positions of office. In the bleakest sense, they are machines, designed to feed our nation with hungry individuals ready to take on a bigger government role. However, this system really works better as a support group, where qualified members can get support, learn, have a community to fall back on and use to help the nation at large.

This is the ideal, however. It is not the reality.

It's been said many times, in many ways, by many different and intelligent people, but let me put it in my own.

We are currently in a Mexican Standoff with our parties.

The last two elections we've tried to PTO ourselves. The most recent one we had 3 attempts go on in the Top 5 parties to try and take over other parties. This last congressional election the UIP, Federalist Party, and USWP all conspired together to take SEES and the Libertarian Party out of congress. This last presidential election, party politics again played a huge role and the vehemency of the attacks exchanged between Inwegen and Haliman was despicable.

Why has all of this happened? In game power. Control. Arrogance. Ego. The only thing it's been is parties trying to be better than one another, and in the process of that war they have lost sight of their only role and duty: to protect the nation and to funnel good people into higher positions of power.

In the end, nobody wins. Certainly not America, and certainly none of the people that devolve themselves into being consumed with these petty dealings.

If the parties wish to change this, this is what needs to happen.

-The insults and slander need to cease. Bringing up past wrongs only hurts, it never heals.
-Parties must stop PTOing one another. Seriously, PTO another country if you're so desperate.
-Better communication between the Top 5 leadership must occur. This will solve a lot of misconceptions.
-Parties must stop blaming government for their problems. FEC works. If you all think it doesn't, then make a new system already.
-Candidates must be chosen because of aptitude, not politics. Don't put someone in for congress just to have spots. Do it because they are worth it.
-Stop fighting. Mistakes will be made, people will be tempted to be angry. Don't. It's a game, get over it, forgive, and try to make it better.

I doubt any of the parties will actually try any of this, but I challenge the new Top 5 Party Presidents to do so. It'd be a nice change if we could actually see some media focused on the positives of our nations as opposed to all of the terrible negatives.

But then again, I guess I'm not helping.

Here's a puppy.

Stay frosty.