Luthfishnet must go!!!

Day 1,020, 10:14 Published in Thailand USA by kristof von

Ok as i write this article now at approx. 10:02 erep time the votes are

Luthfishnet 32

Luiz_hez 30

Maoli 633 19

Okanius 10

Louman 4

Ok i have not seen a single advertisement from either Luthfishnet or Maoli so for them to have that much votes alone is suspicious. Luthfishnet has many enemies i know this personally and for him to have so many votes is especailly troubling i do believe he has multi's. But what i am trying to do by writing this article is to advise the other candidates especailly the ones with lower voter turnout is to unite behind a candidate who actually has a REAL shot at winning not to diss or put any one down. And my reason for saying this is we cannot take another month of luthfisnet presidency his policies are destroying this nation it is cripling the economy what the f+++ is the purpose of a million embargo's? huh? luthfisnet? there i no purpose we are at wasr with none of those and at a time like this we should not be excluding ourselves from the rest of the world we should be looking for foreign investments and businesses to do work here! I know damn well you are not looking out for the well being of this nation you are not a eTHAI!! what you do is very counter productive thats why i am looking to the rest of you who really cherish this nation to get him out of office once and for good.

-AN Angry, Alienated citizen!