LSD Manifesto for July / August

Day 975, 13:49 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LSD Party Centre

The LSD Manifesto for July / August consists of five parts:

Foreign Policy
Baby Boom
UNLIN reform
eUNL vs eNL

V2 has brought with it many changes, bugs and uncertainties. Because of this it would be unwise to plan too far ahead in this policy document. What is obvious though is that war and military production has become even more important now, if not the defining module of eRepublik.

What is also evident that the economy is going through profound changes and as a country LSD need to get a quick grasp of where these are leading us. LSD therefore suggest to temporarily create a economic council of industry leaders from eUNL. This would be in existence for two government terms and would give advice to the Ministry of Finance. They would not dictate policy, merely advise and policy would still be set out by the government. LSD suggests a council of three should be big enough.

Foreign Policy
Now we are in V2 it is clear that, more than ever, Foreign Policy should be focussed on getting wars. Without wars the economy will suffer greatly, citizens cannot develop and people get bored and restless. LSD are proud that eUNL is an active and respected member of PHX and the LSD fully supports helping wherever necessary. What we need to improve on is to get wars for the ordinary citizens of eUNL. We should use our respected position in PHX to demand more accurate info on a monthly basis because as a country we have always helped PHX when it needed to be helped, either military or financial.

LSD fully supports the current reorganisation of the ambassador system and applaud it’s focus on the countries that matter to us as this can only be of a benefit to us as a country.

Baby Boom
In V2 coaching has become even more important as LSD believe that the threshold for a baby to become an adult has become even higher. The coaching program as it stands is insufficient, and this is in no way a reflection on our current coaches who do a great (and thankless) job. For a Baby Boom to really happen and be effective LSD need to have the right coaching in place otherwise most babies will die.

LSD propose to be realistic and concede that causing a Baby Boom is very hard. This is being made harder by the change (almost) every month of the MoRC personell. The LSD propose to appoint a BB Tsar. This tsar will report directly to the Country President. The tsar will however serve for 3 terms. His or her role will be to ensure the continuation of the good work done every month and to prevent the time lost every month to re-assessing what needs to be done. This role is strategic, so the tsar will not get involved with day-to-day work but only work on high-level, setting out strategy to get a BB and ensuring the ministry of R&C stays on track to achieve this.

LSD also suggest that a BB to be planned for October as the summer period is not the right time to try a BB. This also gives us ample time to prepare the BB.

Also, as the Japanese migration has shown us, immigration has great potential as well to boost our citizen count. The benefit here is that these are not babies joining but, in most cases, experienced players. On top of that, we should actively seek out people who might be interested in joining our country. Ambassadors can play an important role here.

UNLIN reform
To mitigate the increased of risk of a PTO we would recommend setting up a new council called the Security Council for Immigrants. This because the UNLIN seems to suffer from badly set-up ground rules and causes confusion (this is not a reflection on Antiko's work who has done a good job under difficult circumstances).

This council of three people would do the screening of new applicants. If three people can not be found, the two top parties (based on congress elections) have to nominate a Member of Congress each.

The thread for this would be opened in the Congress section as an extra control. Members of Congress would be able to comment and question recommendations but the chairman of this Committee (this would for now be Antiko) can approve or deny citizens requests.

The chairman (after the initial first term under Antiko) would be elected in a voting round in congress, based on the same law of the chairman election in congress.

eUNL vs eNL
LSD support the idea to rename eUNL back to eNL as we are no longer in a union and eNL is most recognisable to foreigners. People in the world will immediately recognise and know what eNL should stands for: a liberal English-speaking free society. eUNL is outdated and risks confusing people outside the game when a BB is attempted.