LS International #1

Day 1,541, 11:42 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by Sgt. Anonymous
Hello eRepublik World. A new newspaper in holy land of eLithuania has risen.
This newspaper is dedicated to one military unit which started it’s path on fortune in day 1369, when eRussian army was at eLithuania border. Patriots from all over the country gathered to oppose the invaders. That unit is now called Lithuanian Shadows. Though resistance lasted for a week when brutal and over numbering army invaded eLithuania. This group contrary to what was thought about it has fought bravely and professionally to resist the invaders. Now this squad has about 40 professional and dedicated troops. And have started missions not only for homeland but in whole eRepublik world.
On this week’s newspaper you’ll see:
1. Unit’s troops’ total influence of the week;
2. Missions Influences;
3. TOP 15 Unit’s soldiers of the week;
4. Interview with few soldiers.

1. Unit’s troops’ total influence of the week chart:

Press for larger
2. Mission’s Influence’s chart:

Press for larger

On day 1535 unit was hired.
3. TOP 15 Unit’s soldiers of the week chart:

Press for larger
4. Interview with few soldiers:
Hello fellow soldier M0nkis, thank you for agreeing to answer few questions.
Good day, you are welcome.

You are one of the oldest Lithuanian Shadows member (in future LS), tell us if LS changed from it’s foundation till nowadays?
When Giedrius-Wraith founded this regiment, I tried to be active, participated in MU’s life, but when days gone by and then weeks, and after those months – my activity was gone. During that time, squad has really changed, in positive of course. Sometime I read our Skype Chat (in future SC) and I noticed that we have more and more active members than we had before.

Maybe you remember some funny or, maybe some sad things while being in LS?
Funniest is the time while reading SC I notice that Giedrius-Wraith is talking about his life experience (then laughs).

Tell us what did you expected while joining LS, were there some doubtful ideas about just created Military Unit (in future MU)?
I joined LS because I wanted to join a community. All that time while playing eRepublik I wasn’t very active and I wanted somehow to change that. That time most prestigious regiment was The Unit. I remember wanting to join it but they didn’t accepted me so I decided to join LS.

What would you wish for brothers and sisters of arms and headquarters of LS?
I would like to wish to stay active to everyone, fight for our homeland and not to forget the real world.
This is how M0nkis would look:

Hello Delikatesas, thank you for your intention to help us to know you better. Please tell us what do you do in life, what you like?
Well… in life I’m man like a man – nothing more or less (blinks an eye). I’m Lithuanian of England, although it’s my first year in England as student, I still try to get used to British accent. My life is very predictable – I just study… sometimes I study, sometimes I party, but I love the Lithuanian cuisine most (blinks an eye again)

You are LS member for an old time, what did you expected coming into LS? Did those expectations came true?
Well, I have been looking for a long time something organized – couple of times I tried in Lietuvos Kariuomenė, but in there everything always quickly dissolved. When I get an offer to join LS I accepted it immediately – it’s still better than nothing… but I gained more than I could wish. First of all – everything is organized. Not to some purpose it is said that dictatorship is best form of government. We have a great leader, a lot of helpful staff, everything is highly organized, there’s no dispute in unit, everyone thinks positive, you can always get help if it’s only an advice or material support. I don’t know if you could want more (smiles).

Maybe there are things which you would like to change in unit?
For a change I see one big minus – more members! “WE NEED MORE POWAH! xD” – he says.

Maybe you know what was your largest damage during mission?
Since I’m rookie, so I don’t do a lot of damage, but sometimes I use bazookas (evil laugh).

Would you like to own your own MU?
I really doubt about that. This takes a lot of responsibility, dedication and of course great patience. Of course I would be happy to help with something – it feels good to do something significant (smiles).

What would you wish for your friends and leaders?
To a unit I would wish just only great memories in upcoming battles and for leaders – patience and perseverance while glorifying eLithuania with such a great unit. Our strength is in Unity!
How should Delikatesas look in his young days:

Good day Beatricele. You are one of most mysterious member of LS. Maybe you could tell us about yourself. What do you do in real life, do you work or study? What are your hobbies? And most important do you a boyfriend?
Well I don’t feel that much mysterious (she smiles). I’m 23 years old student from Kaunas, First rate master. I study at Kaunas University of Technology textile engineering, so when I’ll work at textile company as engineer or I’ll become unemployed person with diploma (then laughs). For free time as everyone else I like to watch movies, travel, read books, I spend my weekends with friends. Since I’m a student, so sometimes I have a lot of free time but sometimes I have none. I’m very interested in photography, also I’m practicing other feminine hobbies such as decoupage and so on… and yes I have a boyfriend.

Do you like to be part of MU of LS?
Yes I do. Some time ago I was in MU of Lietuvos vilkai, but now I’m happy to be with you now.

We all know that girls usually are nicer than men leaders, what would you suggest to change or improve in LS?
Well I don’t know if girls are nicer (laughs again). One time I was a leader in other game, and noticed that when there are few girls in the team – all team is more active. But then floods start which annoys other people. And what to change – I don’t know… I see that your leaders try as best as they could. I can only praise them.

What do you like most about eRepublik, who invited you to start playing it?
The best thing about this game is that you can only log on to it twice a day and that’s enough. During that time you can and work and fight… that’s what locked me down here. Sometime we need to fight with someone (laughs).

Don’t you worry being surrounded with that much man? You are one of the few girls of eLithuania?
No, I really don’t feel uncomfortable, during that many years of internet chatting you really get used to this. Yes, I haven’t seen many girls in eLithuania.

What would you like to change, what to do that more girls would join along side with us for eLithuania like you do?
How to promote I’m now sure, if they don’t like such games – so be it. Maybe you can attract younger ones with SC…

What would you like to wish for brothers of arms and commanders of LS?
Well I won’t wish for wellness or love like in real life, but I can wish to make a lot of money and gold, that admins would make more missions (blinks an eye) and for commanders I would like to with to be such enthusiastic as always.
This is how we think that Beatricele looks:

Thank you all for your attention, if you want to buy some influence in the battle please contact Giedrius-Wraith or Second time