Loyen candidate for the presidential elections

Day 1,306, 09:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by loyen

Dear readers,

I have been chosen to become a candidate to the presidential elections by Irasan, with the support of the IUP.

My campaign goals are:
Social: Increase population by 3%
Financial: Increase GDP by 1%
Military: Keep control of current regions

I am planning two new projects:

(The Social Saving Plan for Ireland)

-Giving out gold and local currencies to Irish people
-Giving out Food and Health kit to Irish people
-Advertising Ireland for people to came and live in Ireland

And the MROC:
(the Military Re-attachment of Occupied Counties)

-Defending Non-occupied counties
-Getting occupied counties back in Ireland
-Helping people living in occupied counties, to defend themselves or evacuate, (giving out weapons and travel tickets.)

For the SHPP project, I am launching a competition,

Design a poster to promote Ireland, to make people live in Ireland.

How to enter:
Upload your poster on an uploading website (like mediafire)
Post the link to the poster in the comments pages

The winner will get 100 IEP or 100 GBP (the winner will tell me what they want) and their poster will be used for the advertising campaign of the SHPP.

Good Luck