Loyen candidate for PP.

Day 1,394, 08:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by loyen


I, loyen, hereby announce my candidacy for Party President of the Irish Union Party.

It is my sincere desire to pour all of my energies into our Party this month. We are an old Party in eRepublik and we have seen the best of times and we have seen the worst. If you elect me President, I will make September/October among the best of times for our Party.

There is no reason why the IUP cannot be an influential force in eIreland. Only a few things are needed and I have a plan to make them happen.

1: The C-P-S Initiative.
Nothing is possible without Party activity. So my first "promise" is to lead our existing membership to greater activity. It will only take a few of us to start publishing an occasional article, shout some news, and generally become vocal members of eIreland community. So when you see me shout, copy it, paste it, shout it. That is the C-P-S initiative, Copy - Paste - Shout.

2: The Publicity Bureau.
I will be publishing a Weekly Party News edition in my personal Newspaper. This will give our Party a National voice that others can read, but more importantly it will give our Party National Publicity. People will join a Party that is active and involved. A Weekly Newspaper says, "IUP plays this game and cares about eIreland." As your Party President, I will take responsibility to be our Party's Publicity Bureau.

3:The Involvement Cooperative.
One person does not a Party make. As your Party President, I will ask your help by creating a few new Party jobs to do. It is human nature to care more about something after we have invested our time and energy into it. By asking you to spend a few minutes each week doing something for the good of the Party, we will build loyalty which attracts others to join us.

Our Party has always enjoyed great Unity. That asset will be our strength in each of the above three plans. It is my goal to lead us back into National relevance in eIreland.

The Irish Unity Party will once again rise to Political prominence.

So elect loyen for the good of the IUP, and for the good of eIreland.

Image done using befunky website