Loyalty vs. Opportunity

Day 425, 07:53 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand
By: Zagarius

As I write this article, in Human Resources a player with my Land Skill of 4 is being offered $25.00 USD. Yet, I work for a company that has been paying $10.00 USD plus bonuses, but these bonuses do not equal the pay I would other be receiving that is being currently offered. Some will think I am stupid for not taking the higher pay and others will applaud my loyalty to this company that I have joined since about the time I joined the eRepublik.

Throughout my time here I have written about Minimum Wage, Taxes and the Economy. All of that research has lead me to a single conclusion about the eUSA economy and the business practices. Businesses have created this monster and are the only ones to rein it in! Here’s why:

#1 – Gree😛 Not just from the CEO’s, but from the workers as well.

Skill 0 - $2.21
Skill 1 - $4.50
Skill 2 - $7.25
Skill 3 - $15.00
Skill 4 - $25.00
Skill 5 - $40.00
Skill 6 - $50.00
Skill 7+ - $55.00

#2 – Taxes: Well after reading an article about HOW NOT TO PAY TAXES, showed me that possibly a good number of companies are not paying their fair share! Is this American to skirt tax laws or is this pure and simple GREED? Who ends up paying???

Skill 0 - $1.81
Skill 1 - $2.80
Skill 2 - $4.70
Skill 3 - $9.00
Skill 4 - $16.00
Skill 5 - $20.00
Skill 6 - $30.00
Skill 7+ - $46.00

#3 – Wages: A wage war has begun here and that hurts budding companies to grow. They cannot afford these wages and who wants to work for minimum wage?

Skill 0 - $3.00
Skill 1 - $5.00
Skill 2 - $9.00
Skill 3 - $12.00
Skill 4 - $19.00
Skill 5 - $22.00
Skill 6 - $27.00
Skill 7+ - $38.00

#4 – Prices: A direct result of these higher wages means higher prices. Stop crying about higher prices and do something to bring stability back to the market for our people!

#5 Fiscal Responsibility: These same budding companies have no idea what to do and this not only hurts themselves, but their workers and the economy as a whole… Money is needed for more than just buying a company, but think about a month of operation and double the 20 gold needed.

I was against the new tax plan, but after the research I did for this article I can understand why now there a new tax proposal. Yet, again who will pay these taxes? My guess, the lonely workers… If there are any truly patriotic Americans in the eRepublik then something needs to happen. In order to help the economy and yourselves the wages need to drop by at least 30% by every company and in every skill Level. Stop this monster before it destroys us all!

This coming from a loyal worker making $10 USD and not an opportunistic worker making $25.00 USD. So I ask you, who has the interests of this country in their actions? DO YOU?

“We want only loyal workers who are grateful from the bottom of their hearts for the bread which we let them earn” - Gustav Krupp