Loyalty to the End I Cabinet Announcement

Day 1,233, 15:40 Published in Egypt Egypt by Varlosh
“Loyalty to the end....It means devoting yourself to your country.”

People of Egypt!

First of all: A round of Thank Yous!

Firstly, Thank You to the people of Egypt for voting me as President of eEgypt! I couldn't have done it without you. Hopefully I will prove to you all that I was worth the landslide victory that you awarded me, and I will work my hardest not to let you down.

Secondly, a HUGE Thank You for the outgoing president, Heboo. She deserves our thanks after all the hard work and dedication she has put in the last two months, and I would like to personally wish her the best of luck with all her studies - there is no erepublik holding you back as much now 😛

Next up, a Thank You to the past government, and all the work they put in. And with the past government I would like to particularly thank our former joint-prime minister, Arab League, for giving a fair and clean election, and I wish him the best of luck in his campaign to make a better, fairer Saudi Arabia. I also remind him that he is always welcome in Egypt, and should he require it, I will always be here to help him.

Cabinet Announcements

Not that type of cabinet!

Moving on, it is time to announce that "highly anticipated" cabinet and it is as follows:

Vice President: Mali_patuljak

Minister of Defence: Kiffer

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Frenky98, JohnD999 and Mestre Luiz

Minister of Economical Development: Sun Warrior

Head of Secret Service: Odin The Wanderer

Minister of Immigration: Adriatic_Rage

That's more like it 😉

I wish this team the best of luck in working with me to build up this nation. My only words to give to you all are this - be active and work hard. Reshuffles will occur if I so deem it necessary.

I will try to bring you an update weekly on national occurrences of importance worth noting, as well as more frequent articles regarding orders etc will be posted.

Be sure to join the national IRC chat here to keep up to date.

I just ask you all for patience, nothing is ever conjured overnight, and things take time. I know the need for a war and a natural enemy, but I am not one to rush into decisions that we could come to regret later.

The last thing I have to say to you, my people, is that I vow to work as hard as possible to achieve greatness for this nation.

Today, I stand before you all and I swear that I will do anything necessary for the good of my country.

Loyalty to the end!

Tahya Gomhorey Misr El Arabia!
تحيا جمهورية مصر العربية
Long Live Egypt!

Your President,

Together... For a Greater Egypt!