Louis Humphrey's Manifesto: CP Manifesto BTW

Day 944, 09:14 Published in United Kingdom Singapore by Louis Humphrey


For those who are wondering why I opened with such a statment, let me explain: So I wrote a manifeso yesterday, but it wouldn't publish. I managed to get it onto the forums, which you can find here:

I also wrote another manifesto today, as I wasn't happy with the first. But as I finished the second manifesto, my web page refreshed

^that was how I felt^

So now I have to write yet another manifesto. Hopefully this one will be simply the best.

I just want to get you in the mood. Please follow these simple steps:


Clap your hands twice

eww just found out that "the clap" is the nick name for Gonorrhea. Not nice

And jump on the nearest seat

OK you are now ready to enter: MY WORLD *cue evil laugh and lightning*

So as a lot of you may know that V2 is just around the corner. And the worst bit is, no one knows if big strong countries are going to take advantage of the confusion which is inflicted on poor helpless citizens who only just get to terms with the new game play. Therefore I'm proposing me to become CP so that I can keep a steady hand on the country.
Now this leads on to a few points. Firstly, there have been allegations that I am too inexperienced to take the role of CP, and trust me when I say that, those comments are from people who do not know me well enough. Although I'm sixteen, I have been playing games like this since I was ten.
This leads me onto my second point. During the six years of play, I have been promoted to the top of my alliance or party quickly. Something that's just always happened, and I'm not sure why, but this has lead to me having to perform diplomatic actions. And so my diplomatic skill has increased. I believe that in this eWorld, my diplomatic experiences will help keep the eUK steady and friendly with our allies.

There is one thing which I will not do, and that's to make promises which I can't keep. This is bad news for all of you who live outside London. I cannot promise a hospital in every region or a defence system. And Don't believe I would either, mealy due to the fact that it would cost too much, how ever if you can convince the congress to, then I'm sure you in with a chance

As you can tell, I'm a relaxed kind of dude. And I think people should just chill. For a start, there are far too many people that are far too serious. Chill! Therefore, to combat in game stress, I shall promote beach babe parties. This of course will be run by the Ministry of Beach Babes (MoB😎
Happy Days

I also want to continue the eUK babyboom. To me it seems to have died down and gone quiet. Too quiet. Therefore I want to propose a re-launch, but as well as advertising on eRepublik and Facebook, I want to get some real life advertisement. I know in a few places it is being done, but it could be done a lot more. I don't boast this, cause its just odd to boast it, but I have put up posters in my local area. I thought this would be the right place to release that information

Well my pretty's, that is about it for now. Before I go, I'll recap on a few of my goals

-Keep the fort together.
-Batten down the hatches because we're going to party
-Continue the Babyboom project

If you vote for me on the election day then you could see this happening:

^with thanks to Sir Mic^

I noticed Digby use the ever effective slogan, I'm Voting Digby 'Cause I'm Not Racist (or something like that, perhaps some one could correct me?) in the last election

Well mine is (and I like this): I'm Humphernating, Are You?

Well my darling mother is cooking my tea, and the smell is beautiful! I'm going to shoot now, but I hope you liked the article, PM me if you have any questions
Lots of Love
Louis Humphrey