Lotto Weekend Miljonairs: Episode 1.3

Day 2,707, 14:28 Published in Netherlands USA by Actinide
New theme music!
You can find all of the questions here!

Welcome to Lotto Weekend Miljonairs Hot Seat! With me in the Hot Seat right now is Willem the Conqueror! He and I were on IRC earlier today, and we continued the game of Weekend Miljonairs Hot Seat. The results are below. Commentary from me, Willem, and Aaaseilern (credited in the text as Kimi) is reproduced as well.
Actinide:: OK; so now are you ready to play?
Willem: I think so.
Actinide:: OK!
Actinide:: Lights down, please.
Actinide:: 45 seconds on the clock.
Willem: C: Akihito
Actinide:: That answer combination is invalid.
Willem: wait
Actinide:: Akihito is D.
Actinide:: Akitiho is C.
Willem: 😨 Akihito
Actinide:: Final?
Willem: yeah final
Actinide:: It's locked in.
Actinide:: Willem has locked in D.
Actinide:: Akihito.
Actinide:: And it's right!
Willem: pf I doubted 😛
Willem: but luckily
Actinide:: OK; question 22.
Actinide:: Lights down, please.
Actinide:: 45 seconds on the clock.
Actinide:: Here we go…
Kimi: d
Willem: you mustnt say! 😛
Actinide:: 25 secs
Kimi: O:
Actinide:: 20
Willem: B: Philippines
Actinide:: Final?
Willem: final
Actinide:: 15
Kimi: D, final word
Actinide:: It's locked in.
Actinide:: B is locked in.
Willem: kimi you arent allowed to play lol 😛
Actinide:: Poland is wrong.
Kimi: hahaha
Willem: Im in the hot seat! xD
Kimi: kk
Actinide:: Pakistan is wrong.
Willem: just say it! 😛
Actinide:: If you'd gone with kimi..
Actinide:: you would've been...
Willem: wrong
Willem: 😛
Willem: \o/
Actinide:: You've won 640 NLG.
Willem: thats great
Kimi: was i right??
Willem: nope
Willem: 😛
Actinide:: Kimi you were wrong.
Kimi: hahaha
Actinide:: B was right.
Kimi: kk
Actinide:: This is question 23.
Actinide:: At question 24, you win 1000 NLG.
Actinide:: 45 secs on the clock.
Actinide:: Lights down, please.
Willem: I know sloth is something with bears
Actinide:: 15 secs
Willem: so I'll go with C; Sloth
Willem: final
Willem: before time's over 😛
Actinide:: Locked in.\
Actinide:: Gluttony, pride and wrath are all WRONG!
Actinide:: 🙂
Willem: thats good
Willem: haha
Actinide:: Now this is question 24 for 1000 NLG.
Actinide:: Are you ready?
Willem: 1000 0_0
Willem: okay okay
Willem: le me is ready
Actinide:: OK.
Actinide:: John Edwards was a senator from which state when chosen as John Kerry's 2004 running mate?
Actinide:: A: West Virginia
Actinide:: B: North Dakota
Actinide:: C: North Carolina
Actinide:: 😨 South Carolina
Actinide:: 30 secs
Actinide:: 20 secs
Actinide:: 15
Willem: C; North Carolina
Willem: final
Actinide:: It's locked in.
Willem: always hear a lot from that state 🙂
Willem: so it must be famous than haha
Actinide:: This is the first question where you've had less than 10 seconds left on the clock.
Actinide:: How sure are you that it's C?
Willem: well
Willem: not at all
Willem: but I always hear a lot from North Carolina
Actinide:: My friend, you had a lucky guess.
Actinide:: YOU'RE RIGHT FOR 1000 NLG!
Willem: so I just guessed 😛
Willem: \o/
Actinide:: Lights down
Actinide:: This is question 25.
Actinide:: You're playing now for 1500 NLG.
Willem: wait
Willem: what if Im wrong
Willem: 😛
Actinide:: If you're wrong?
Willem: yeah lets say Im wrong
Willem: what than?
Actinide:: You leave with 40 NLG.
Willem: ouch
Actinide:: WookieO takes your place.
Willem: and can I stop also? 😛
Actinide:: Yes; you'd win 125 NLG (your share of the fund) should you stop now.
Willem: hmm well 24 was too close
Willem: What should I do>
Actinide:: Look at the next question
Willem: Is that allowed?
Actinide:: Always.
Willem: Okay
Willem: well gimme 25
Willem: Then I'll decide if I stop or not ;3
Actinide:: Remember, if the clock runs out, it counts as a pass.
Actinide:: You have nothing to lose by not answering.
Actinide:: Only by a wrong answer can you lose anything right now.
Actinide:: Ready?
Willem: k
Actinide:: 45 seconds on the clock.
Actinide:: Question 25:
Willem: 0_0
Willem: I dont wanna guess 😛
Actinide:: 35
Actinide:: 30
Willem: I stop here, with 125NLG than 🙂
Actinide:: 25
Actinide:: You're walking?
Actinide:: Final?
Actinide:: 20
Actinide:: 15
Willem: Im walking away
Willem: with 125
Willem: yes
Actinide:: Congratulations Willem!
Willem: Thanks 😃
Actinide:: All right!
Actinide:: This means WookieO is now our Hot Seat Contender.
Willem: Good Luck WookieO 😃
Willem: Bonne chance 😛

And so episode 1.3 ends. We stand 8 questions away from 1 million centen. But will someone get the million, or go home with only 40 NLG? How will WookieO fare? Will he go all the way? Will the pressure of high-difficulty questions get to him? Will he pass, and move Leo Belgicus into the hot seat? Will the big bad clock take its first casualty? These are all questions that will be answered in the next episode of…


23-15-15-11-9-5-15, 9-20-'-19 25-15-21-18 20-21-18-14