Lost all hope to fight

Day 1,956, 14:23 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

Usually I encourage everyone to fight during periods of time where we have to fight, however I am no longer in that position. I am tired of fighting for a useless cause, in all honesty what`s the point? Gain a mine that Brazil will control? I`d rather leave South Africa forever then that. Oh I know those who disagree will pounce, I`ve already seen one bloody fool try and make the case through his newspaper but I ask you all is there any point of fighting anymore?

I could care less about how terrible this government my only concern is will this continue or will eSouth Africa continue to be some damn colony to pillaged and loot? Sure Brazilians are fighting....WOOOPIE!! Still doesn`t ignore the fact that they and their South American horde occupy our provinces. If this is the case I will no longer fight, sure get the gold mine but will Brazil really hand it over to us? I don`t think so nor do I trust them.

Some people might think I`m a paranoid person but I`m pessimistic of constantly of fighting wars that don`t solve anything. Is this government serving the interests of the people or their cronies and foreign parties? I am proud to say I have fought for eSouth Africa but I no longer proud of being a eSouth African, I left eCanada for a better country and it seems I came to the exact same place that I left behind.