Looks like it's election time again.

Day 1,616, 14:15 Published in USA Argentina by bigcdizzle

First of all let me thank iPoop for inspiring this, my first article.

With the upcoming congressional elections, i have seen many Federalist blockers posting things about not voting for blockers, what a blocker is, and why they are important. I thought that this would be a good time to give my take on these things, and why I myself am running as a Federalist Blocker.

First off the idea behind a blocker is that they keep other people from other parties from running for congress. While this sounds unfair, it is completely warranted. Rogue congressmen have been granting citizenship to....let us say "questionable people". Once these people have citizenship they can run for congress just like the rest of us. And if they win they can, in turn grant citizenship to other questionable people. that is not something we can afford to let happen. having a blocker from a large party keeps those people who may be a danger to our country from running and causing any extra damag to our country.

now that that's over with let me move on to the next important point....


When I blocked last election I recieved quite a few votes...enough that at one point I was actually winning in the congressional race in California. This is unacceptable. those votes were thrown away when they could have been used to vote in congressmen in other crucial battles.

This is the blocker avatar.

If you see any candidate with this avatar, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM. Talk to your party leaders and find out where your vote can be best used.

Thanks for your time.

I clicked the wrong button on my party page and instead of running for congress I am accidentally running for party president....so I guess I am not going to be a blocker this election....my apologies for that mistake....all I can think is that I must have been very tired that night.