Looking For A Good Cause?

Day 1,094, 05:00 Published in Canada Canada by George Kirk

Hey Fellow eCans, I'm a lutzie prick but lets talk for realz for a sec,

I have reopened the doors to my Not For Profit Weapons Co. And while I have some very sexy looking Zombies I need a few more living people to round up my productivity.

Zombies – let's face it, they're not the best workers.

The NFP Weapons Co. produces cheap low quality weapons at no profit for the good of all new to mid level eCanadians. It also helps to regulate market prices by setting the lowest possible pricing. But I will not be able to do so without the higher volume numbers it once had.

If you are wealthy bastard or you're just not so concerned with making money and want to do something for the good of the country please consider joining us.

I have loosely calculated that at current raw materials costs I can afford to pay $8 for Level 7 workers. But if you are willing to work for less I of course will accommodate you.

I have posted a couple of jobs Here

If they have been taken by the time you get there or your skill level is not yet at Lev7 PM me and Ill post some more.

Thanks for your consideration.

George Kirk

Private George Kirk | 10th Firestorm Squadron