Long Story Short, Romania

Day 1,250, 10:38 Published in Romania Romania by ABC2org

Maybe some people are asking themselves how it is possible from Top 1-2 country in the World, with the most tanks in Top Damage, Romania to degrade so much its potential (around 10th place now) not being able to come back on the map.

First of all I have not been involved in country decisions in the last months, but here is my understanding of the actual situation.

For sure all the people know that the rules had been changed, but the most important ones from our point of view were the rule of 10gold limit and the one with ONLY 1 RW to start.

For some people the limit of 10 gold seemed to limit the heavy tanking but my believe is on the contrary the new rule made the heavy tanking being done ONLY by the gold buyers. Before, the government could send 10/20/50gold to let's say 25/50/100 powerful citizens to hit at the proper time, besides the food for more others.(The State/Government cannot defend like we use to)
So all in all the game is much more oriented to buying gold and the battles are decided by the hard buyers, even some people are thinking is the other way around.

The other rule of ONLY 1 RW to start is making the game even more unbalanced. When Romania deleted Hungary couple of months ago it was easy to come back for them, they did like 7-8 RWs daily in hungarian and russian occupied territories, lost some, finally won 3-4, next day they did the same and the deleted country was back. The only thing lost was the prestige, but otherwise all the people have been in the initial position, without hard time.

From this point of view I see the military module degrading with people losing interest because winning or losing seems to be meaningless.

Besides that, our people are spread around the World right now, most of the tanks are not hitting anymore. 1-2 months ago we had an internal problem with a group of old citizens that TOed almost all the parties in order to win all the political module. The problem was much more debatable, I gave some interviews and the details maybe will come up.

But, from that moment the society was divided between the majority of the romanians and that group with many tanks and some high ties.

The group won all the elections, Romania got deleted (to tell the truth some wanted Romania deleted from the beginning), most of them went silent, the other people got spread world wide.

To make it even shorter: If we would fight only against Hungary won't be such a problem. We can win almost any RW. The problem comes with the rule of only 1 RW to start (otherwise with considerable effort in 2-3 days we could be with all the country back) and with the reality of not being able to compete alone against Hungary's MPPs(Serbia, Poland). We could win 1 RW to lose it right away through MPPs.

It is understable that we are not on the top of EDEN's priority list (all the countries have same problem) but all in all the rule of 1 RW to start screws us the most.

My 2 c.