Location: Egypt, Upper Egypt [ o7 ]

Day 1,231, 06:52 Published in Egypt Croatia by ivan052

Dear egyptians, firstly i want apologise for my bad english, you will se in article what i'm talking about 😛

My county, Croatia, was under serious attack from Serbia, we lost eniter country, and commands from army was to move in Bulgaria. I decided that there is no point in that and i start looking for my new country, where will I settle down and try to help improve country.

I decided to come in Egypt because it takes q1 ticket to move from eCroatia so I can go back every time we start Resistance War. Another reason was potentilly great country, only need good leader. I hope one of new presidential candidates will start some serious work.

I relocate my company in eEgypt too. I'm looking forward to improve egyptian economic 🙂 Also, I joined Egyptian People Party because of Frenky98 and Varlosh. I hope they will know how to lead such proud country as Egypt.

I have some ideas about improving whole country:


1. Egypt must have grain region, not because of productivity bonus, also because of Egypt RL position, its shame not to have one. That should be one of most important missions for new presidents. Grain region would improve economic situation here.

2. I would like to help you form real Egiptian Armed Forces. That should be regular egyptian army. My idea is based on Croatian type od army. We have three groups:
a) new players - juniors
b) basic army - brigades
c) elite soldiers - tanks
I think that is best solution for some country to have. Every member of army gets food and weapon and must work in army companies for minimal wage. Also must carry army's avatar. Its not huge work to orginise this, only you must have time and you must want that badly 🙂 If any candidate need advice or help, i'm here to help.

3. Baby boom - because of new modules, countries are not strong if they dont have many players. I hope RL egyptian citizens can affect on BB. You must advertise on Facebook, Twitter and such social networks if you want Baby Boom. This work should be taken by RL egyptians.

4. If you want strong country you must have active society, this game is playing on irc channel and chats, you can't only play erepublik, people must be encouraged to come on channel and talk to people, say their ideas...

5. Diplomacy really can be stronger then army. Egypt must improve his diplomacy rating because of Greek attack on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We must talk to them and try to get some grain region from swaping regions with them, also Egypt MUST be united

That's all from my first article, add me as friend, i hope i will find many friend here 😃

If you think you need me in some your ambitions to improve eEgypt, i'm here to help with lot of expirience, i was congress member, have media mogul medal, i was party president in eCroatia and also leader of paramilitary troop 🙂