Local elections, MPUMALANGA

Day 241, 12:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by vifr1013

Hi folks! The local elections is getting closer. I am standing for the elections in Nelspruit.

Nelspruit is the city where I grew up IRL. I love the city, the people, the nature.

I am willing to make this a better City in Nelspruit. Try to get more people here, If i win the elections, I will start a campain to get people to move here. Please vote for me, Nelspruit will be a better place.

Vote for Vifr1013 is you want Nelspruit to grow.

Nkosisikelele Afrika!

BTW, Congratulations to Mr. Nelson Mandela who turns 90 years today. Best man that has ever walked on this planet for Africa.