Living on the edge - Living dangerous

Day 813, 13:27 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub

It's been there for a couple of days now, the new and shiny Q5 Hospital in Nord-Norge. Today I remember to actually move back to my preferred region; the region next to the Russian Bear.

So if you too want to live on the edge, with the daily fear of a swift and brutal "bear-attack", come join us in the land of polar bears and Mack beer.

On the other hand, all the warmongering actually is happening in the south, so perhaps Nord-Norge is the peaceful part of our country.

Today we are 66 citizens in this fine region. I'm eager to see more "nordlæninga" move back now that we finally have a decent hospital to visit after kicking British @rse, or whatever EDEN points us at 😉

This article was just for fun, and not to insult anyone or anything.

Have a super weekend!
