Live and Learn: When Battle Hero War Games Go Wrong...

Day 1,684, 04:06 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey, I feel compelled to talk to you all about my interesting was fun, despite throwing some energy bars and bazookas down with little reward other than exp. Anyway, let's begin.

No I didn't feel like that at all despite my failings in tonight's Still, I think it's a fitting gif for this article. 😛

So tonight, like the one before, I was feeling very ambitious. I wanted to shoot for a double Battle Hero this morning (I live on the East Coast of the US, it's like 6:30AM now), while I was waiting for a chance to support the Chugoku resistance, which was supposed to yield Chugoku's freedom. I failed in both of these aspects.

So, (You now get a further peek into my strategies, feel free to use them against me, it'll make this game more fun) I aimed to score my battle hero medals on what would likely be the last Division 2 fight in Chugoku in the campaign that just ended there. The plan was to initially fight for eROC (given with the performance in the division for the previous battles, they were likely to lose the fight) and obtain a reasonably high score there that I believed no one would attempt to beat (given they'd be scared to as I may have a rocket in my back pocket--which I did, and they'd therefore be wasting their investment if they tried to overtake me). I have good reason to believe this measure was very effective, which I'll keep to myself (a trade secret 😃). Well at least until the very end, when "Fred Flintstone" took advantage of a not-so-well-known game mechanic that I wasn't aware of before; more on that later.

Then, as expected (after a small nudge from me), Japan started winning the battle consistently. Our friendly neighborhood, Gospodin Admiral was sitting at the top over there, chilling out and resting his laurels, wary of competition I'm sure 😉. So, when Japan got to about 1510 points past the 90 minute mark, I began to prepare my assault (some tanking underneath the radar, followed by a hard snipe right when I thought the clock was going to run out). However, just when I was about to start hitting under the radar. I suddenly notice that I lost my lead on the eROC side to some Serbian guy...Kremenko F; Fred Flintstone.

The guy's avatar photo. lol

I was flustered, he just completely changed the balance of the battle by hitting 210k, clearly using bazookas. This was 60k over my 150k or so, which I scored with both bazookas and conventional weapons. My immediate question then, of course was "Why would he do that?". While I pondered this question in my head, thinking about what to do next, I was then hit by a surprise.

Turns out, he was intelligently making use of a game mechanic. A minute or so after he made his hit, the battle ended. Apparently, this was due to the fact that division 4 eROC just beat eJapan, bringing their side's campaign total to 84 points, above the requirement of 83 points, which apparently, as I wasn't aware, stops all other battles in their tracks. He got me fair and square and left me with nothing--or well, maybe I actually had a chance which I should've taken (after the battle ended, I'm not talking about a retaliatory rocket strike before that because I wouldn't have known to do that); let me explain.

You see, despite the battle UI being blocked off once eROC bumped its score to 84 points, for some reason, the rocket button was still visible and clearly clickable for a short period. who knows, I might've been able to do a Call of Duty style "Last Stand" and get a revenge kill while I was on my dying breath. Maybe I'll try that next time.

So yeah, after losing all that to naivete, I went to the erepublik homepage to sign up for supporting the new RW as fast as I can, being the one that is currently being waged, as of the time of this publication, is supposed to end in a Japanese victory by eROC mandate. If I supported the RW, I would've probably been in the running to snag a Resistance Hero medal at the end of current Chugoku campaign. I failed at this one too however, given so many people apparently like to use scripts or something when signing up for RWs which are predetermined to end in resistance victory due to foreign affairs announcements.

So yeah, despite all that, I had fun with these war games and hold no ill feelings towards anyone (I wouldn't ever anyway in the BH game, Gospodin and Kremenko beat me fair and square, kudos to you guys)--plus I got a chance to rewatch few episodes of High School of The Dead whilst waiting for the last battle to start (whether or not your like that anime; well I like everything about it except the annoying fanservice, so yeah, lol, dealwithit). Twas a good night and I learned 2 things.

1. Ongoing battles just kinda end abruptly when either side hits the 83 point ceiling.

2. Don't go crazy over waiting for Resistance Hero Medals, being people kinda cheat to sign up for the near guaranteed ones.

That's all folks. I'm going to bed now; I hope you found this article interesting. If you liked this article feel free to vote it up and subscribe to my personal newspaper, Gougai/号外/Extra. Also feel free to leave a comment, thanks!