Little mistakes, big consequences.

Day 2,243, 02:49 Published in Belgium Chile by Lorgroth

A few days ago, there was another promotion. Discounts on upgrades.
Yay, me happy. With all my traininggrounds already upgraded to the maximum, I deceided to look at my factories. With my current weapon factory at Q6, and my stock of raw weapon materials, I looked at my gold and deceided to go for it. Let's upgrade my weapons to Q7.

Two days later, it already hit me. I couldn't produce anymore weapons. Seems like I forgot the fact that a Q7 weapons factory needs 2000 raw materials daily, while a Q6 factory only needs 800. So my stock of raw materials went down pretty quick, which leaves me now with a Q7 weapon factory that is only operating once every 3 days.
Or I can go to the market. While writing this article, 2000 raw materials would cost me around 180 Bef. It's a temporairy solution, as I don't make 180 Bef /day, so it would drain all my funds.

At least I know what to do now. Save all my gold, or wait for the gold promotions, and then get loads of raw material factories.


Never rush things and think twice before you do anything.

P.S. I gladly accept all donations (gold, Bef & raw materials).