I have a question for the eGovernment: Why u run away bro?

Day 1,770, 09:53 Published in USA USA by Candor

I've revised this article.

I needed to vent, and there was one fellow who felt he was taking the brunt of that venting unfairly. Turns out he worked his ass off for us.

And after seeing Pfieffer say the eGovernment threw in the towel 12 hours before reset (see comments below), it's clear that IES wasn't to blame. Pfieffer is to blame. Jk.

IES is a cog in a wheel, and usually unappreciated. They work hard behind the scenes vetting hundreds of applications each month, and it's real work. They deserve our thanks, not my vitriol.

THAT SAI😨 I'm dissapointed to hear that eGov gave up so early. I brought 25 to the table, in less than 12 hours, and had another 25 awaiting entrance.

If I could do that, so could others. The spread needed was less than 150 votes.

If ATO is tired of the game, let's let someone else run it. Because in eAmerica, we never give up. We fight till the end of the round. And when knocked down, we brush ourselves off and fight again.

Last nights battle was one in a never ending succession of battles we face as a nation. We lost that round, but we'll fight again tomorrow, and again next month. Cause that's just how eAmerican's roll.

That's the game. And we're in it to win it.

Let's roll.


Questions I'd like answered publically:

Who runs ATO?
Who chooses that person?
Who chose to shut down ATO fully 12 hours before reset?
Who gave those people such authority?
Who runs IES?
Who chooses that person?
Who runs FEC?
Who chooses that person?
Who is organizing the "Get out the vote" media blitz we need tomorrow?
Who assigned that person?

You have any you want answered? Ask them here.

I'll write a follow up with what answers I can gather. Cause let's face it, there's work to be done, and we need leadership.

Maybe it's time to shake it up eAmerica.


NOTE: Has anyone else seen the movie, "The Bunker"? It's about the last few days of Nazi Germany (Pardon the Nazi shite, just using the story), and follows Hitler and his staff right up to the last moment. A day before the surrender of Berlin, with fighting going on all around them, the head Generals and staff attempt to sneek out of the city using the subway system. They pass fighting soldiers, bloody but still firing. Children with grenade launchers running up to Russian tanks. Meanwhile, these guys are trying to get the hell out.

These were their leaders, mind you. The average Joe just kept on fighting, not knowing there was no one left at the top.

Last nights incident so reminded me of that movie that I get a little sick, to be forthright, even in this game.

Our leaders went home, and left us leaderless in the fight. But fight to the last minute we did.

Proud to be eAmerican and have fought beside you. I will again.
Ashamed to be a "leader" were I in eGovernment last night.

You deserve better, countrymen.

PS: It's a good movie, watch it 😉