Liquid Oxygen The Darker Side

Day 1,333, 08:18 Published in Malaysia USA by Megatronous Prime
Liquid Oxygen was once involved in eMalaysia army militia. Lets get to know him more eMalaysian~~

What is you major military contribution to eMalaysia back in the old days? What do you think of it now? Do you think eMalaysia still have a future in terms of its military asset?


Basically, I came to eMalaysia with a supertank named ExoM7. He's been long dead for awhile, but he served as a perennial Minister of Defense pretty much every year.

When I arrived, I wasn't very involved with the local scene at first, but I started coming on IRC and mentioned I'd served in the Mobile Infantry under some really good officers who had taught me quite a bit about military organization and how to run it. So, they gave me a shot as a Commander for the newly forming TDM, in particular, the North American time zone division.

Unfortunately, at that time, no one was willing to give out supplies or offer hard funding for the project. From what I'd heard through the grapevine, the TDM Commander was so irritated about it, he resigned after less than a month.

You guys seem to be a little more organized these days. If you guys are smart, you'll have a commune system set up so you don't have to worry about things like weapons or food, as you'd be producing your own. Organization has always been a problem with the eMalaysian military, so if you've solved that problem now, the only other key ingredient would be raw numbers. If you guys ever baby boomed, you'd be set.


From the looks of it, You’re a specialize army machine base on the 20 BH medals that u have won from your past eLife not to mention a two times campaign hero. Do you have plans to enter the political side of erepublik? Have you ever thought of returning to eMalaysia? Why did u left eMalaysia for eUsa back in the old days?? Does it have something to do with fruitcommando?


I've thought about the political aspect of eRepublik a few times, but to be honest, party politics, partisan politics and a lot of the dirty dealing is what turns me off about it. Maybe one day.

I've thought about returning to eMalaysia once or twice, but the problem with the small communities is that they're so easily removed or discouraged. You're forced to bend over to aggressive neighbors and you're constantly balanced precariously on the edge.

I left eMY...well, because there was just too much infighting going on. There was a lot of work that needed to be done and I just didn't have it in me anymore to get involved in the capacity that rebuilding a shattered nation would take. It has nothing to do with Fruit. I like Fruit. Just don't give him responsibility. 😉

You were the guy who lead the sol alliance, did you think the sol alliance was a success or was it a failure?? What do you think about the new Luna alliance? The SolDier project that u lead back in the old days, is it still relevant today??

Well, I never really LEAD the Sol Alliance. I was recruited as the leader of the military ARM of Sol, so I was one of many. The Sol Alliance consisted of Snayke, Imperator-For-Life, an elected Chairman and Vice Chairman, then the Supreme Commander and Deputy Supreme Commander. As for Sol as a success...

well, I'd say if they'd stayed as simply a community with war games and observers, it might still be around. It was when they started to flirt with the idea of being a global alliance, was when it all fell apart. There was no publicity, no one actively recruiting fresh blood, the community was terribly inactive.

Don't get me wrong, there were always a LOT of great ideas, but the charter was unwieldy and no one wanted to put the effort into making it functional. Thus, you had a beast that everyone wanted to be great, but was largely ignored. Sol's death was more of a whimper than a roar, tbh. Once eAustralia and eSouth Africa left, the party was pretty much over. By that time, I'd already resigned as Supreme Commander due to my frustration with the fact that yet again, no funding from Sol was forthcoming.

I spent literally hundreds of gold out of my own pocket to try to get Soldier off the ground. Gold that I'll never get back. Was it a success? I'd have to say no.


Luna's going to have some major pitfalls ahead of it. The small communities always do. They have their "big brother" nations with interests that don't match the alliance's, you have trouble protecting each other from larger nations and without making nasty compromises, you can't survive.

In a lot of ways, yes, definitely. Soldier was meant to be styled after the EMC, or Eden Mobile Corps, which during EDEN's most relevant years, was a force to be reckoned with. I'm a Lt. General in the eUS Special Forces now and a lot of what I learned trying to make Soldier work, I put to use in the SF.

Ride this out. Fight a guerilla war with the Indonesians and try to push them out.

Oh and as for my advice for you guys in modern eMY? Don't let anyone push you around. As long as you keep a solid group of good friends with you at all times, it doesn't matter whether your country is wiped out or not, because the community always survives.