Limitless: The New Age of eRepublik

Day 1,492, 17:53 Published in USA USA by Sir Gulden Draak

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, citizens would work, train, and fight five times maybe with weapons maybe without and heal at the hospital. It was a simpler time, the admins had a paper and changes to the game were discussed for weeks maybe months before they were implemented with the players being informed of the changes before they were implemented. The game has changed greatly since that time, the only constant in this game is change and it’s sidekick unpredictability. We do not know what the change will be, we do not know when it will occur, but we are all certain that at some point it will happen. We live in a different age, a limitless age if you will, an age of great advancement, but with also a lot of unknown.

Is the game just a black hole?, What do we really know?

We no longer have a crystal ball that looks into the future, we can no longer spend time making long term plans or obsessing over changes because we can’t predict them. On any given night, we can go to bed, wake up and the game may have totally changed. If Max McFarland 2 were still playing, I believe he would love the game as it is played today. Constant change and constant chaos with only a few who know what will happen and when it will happen. While interesting, there is also a part of me that is concerned, not pissed off or mad, just concerned.

I am afraid we have reached a point, where the game has gotten away from us. The players have become slaves to the game. Constant wars, constant changes, constant work, but I feel with very little meaning behind it. I compare this game to how high school is/was, everything is exaggerated and to the extreme. Love, fights, relationships, emotions, are all taken to the extreme and looking back on it, it is all just craziness and a blur. That is what this game has become, at least to me somewhat. Everything is inflated and taken to the extreme. Currencies average an exchange of 1000 currency to 1G in many nations, we are in constant war, we make and consume products at rapid rates, and companies are now just a revolving door of employees. It is hard to assign values to anything anymore, you no longer work for a hard earned five dollars, too buy your one piece of food, and fight using a free hospital. The game has just evolved into massive consumerism, but I guess most of us saw that happening from miles away, but what has shocked me the most is how fast it has occurred.

Have we become slaves?

While I know this article seems like a whole lot of complaining, that is not my intent really. It is meant to be an analysis of the game at the moment, and where we could be heading and that statement right there is what worries me the most, where are we heading?. I feel we have pushed the envelope so rapidly that it is hard to find a place to go. Where do we go from constant battle, where whenever we log on there is something to fight in? Where do we go from Q5 products, oops scratch that Q6 products now? Do we keep updating quality levels? Where do we go from unlimited shouts? Where does it all stop, and we are allowed to have time to play a game and not a series of motions? Perhaps it never will, perhaps this is the course the game has taken. No more epic battles or epic wars, just a constant series of conflicts. Perhaps we are just building sand castles, and it is constantly high tide. Changes are made, battles are fought, and we do the best we can to adapt, but in the end we know the next wave is just around the corner. As for me, I will keep playing until it just gets to be too much, and I hope you will do the same. Until next time....

Stay thirsty my friends,

Sir Gulden Draak