Day 674, 15:04 Published in North Korea South Korea by Afanasiy Drago
Background Music

Tired of writing, so another quick run down. While 10 candidates are running out of Ring Wing Calumnies Party, only 6 are official candidates that should receive your votes. Those candidates are:
Rsop37 - One-time North Korean Congressperson
Strasser - North Korean Workers Party Representative
Mekell - City Party Representative, SNSDSOF
TheReverendSeanV - Three-time North Korean Congressperson, Ambassador to eUSA
Kang Jae Teuk - One-time North Korean Congressperson, SNSDSOF
Fredrick Jackson - Three-time North Korean Congressperson, VP of North Korea

On election day, if you need to know who to vote for, then go here (; #eNK) and ask. I'll be available most of the day, but if I'm not, there will be others there who can direct you who to vote for.

If you need a moving ticket to get here to vote, send a message to The Desk of Dear Leader (if you have Russian citizenship, don't bother sending a message). Due to my involvement in elections in Japan, North Korea, and South Korea, I will only be able to provide one ticket per person because of shortage/division of funds. If you do not plan on staying here after voting, I would recommend purchasing the second moving ticket in your homecountry as the moving ticket market here is awful. Your request for a moving ticket must be sent by 18:00 eRepublik time on Day 675 as I will be leaving around that time and will not be back until much later that evening.

I would appreciate it if you retained your North Korean citizenship until after the Presidential Elections, but as many of you are going to be coming from the United States, it's understandable that you would want your eUSA citizenship to vote in next month's important Presidential election there.

Yeah bromies that's all I've got. Anyone who votes for one of these candidates is a solid brohan in my book. Thanks for your help.