Life of an eRepublik Nobody: Part 2

Day 472, 16:33 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

This article is a continuation of Part 1 which can be found here:
I am sorry for those of you who read, voted, and subscribed to my first article that I haven't made the second part but RL calls sometimes and you need to respond.

I have decided to keep me occupied to write a series of compositions (smart huh?) about being a newbie in the eRepublik world. The words in quotes are what I was thinking at that time. So anyway have fun, fun, fun reading!

When I woke up the next day I had a sore back and I was freezing but at least I was doing better off than some of the others around me. They were making minimum wage and didn’t eat. “I wonder if I should donate some gold to them, nah I make up for it when I’m rich.” So I walked down the street and through an alley back to my job at Boardwalk.
Nail here, hammer there, pour foundation, smooth foundation, carry wood, work crane. “Lunch break finally, I really need it.” Here I took the time to talk with some of my co-workers that like me were recently hired as Boardwalk was a new company. So I made some friends while dreading the thought of working again. I then noticed a newspaper stand across the street. I was amazed as I stood there looking at the incredible amount of them from everywhere about everything. This is when I knew what I wanted to do; I wanted to own a newspaper.
The next days flew by as I concentrated on working, training, and staying alive. In my free time I wandered around the forum. “What a massive place where so many people come to meet.” Of course there were the spammers which particularly annoyed me as one individual in particular posted four topics all about the same thing. When I stepped in and said to stop spamming they just laughed and said, ‘get lost you noob.’ This again compelled me even more to grow and become respected by others.
My plans were to continue working at Boardwalk as we had a great GM who was loyal and constantly checked our skills and raised our salaries. Then I would continue working on gaining experience to get to level six. When I received my five gold for that I would look for a used Q1 house to buy at three gold and spend the other two gold on a newspaper.

To Be Continued...