Libertarian Party-- Time Is Your Man!

Day 510, 16:37 Published in USA USA by Eric Winerich

A Letter To My Fellow Libertarian Party Members...

Well, tomorrow we all know is the PP elections. Its a great time for all the political people. I have to say tho, the PP election is the Libertarian Party are going to be fun to watch. We have nine people running.

I have chosen my runner. I want to say that this man will be the Libertarian Party's best choice on giving us what we need. Time for the man I pick... Time, I have chosen him. I like his platform, and second he is a all around good man. He has my vote tomorrow and I hope he has yours to!

I hope to be working with him on the term if he gets elected. I will be watching the election closely. Tomorrow shall be a good day. I hope everyone gets out at votes for who they believe in. Libertarian Party members, vote, Time, for a better and neater community within the party! Hoo-Rahh!

Thank You,