Liberation of Denmark

Day 914, 08:25 Published in Denmark Denmark by Danish Ministry of Defence

It is my pleasure to say that we liberated today one occupied Danish region, this region is Midtjylland.
That region is very important for Denmark because it is kind of "crossroads of the world".
I want to thank to everyone who fought RED in that battle, we demonstrated that we are small but strong nation and we wont allow nobody to mess with us, not big Sweden (EDEN), not anybody!
Next step for our journey it will be whole Denmark united under one Danish flag.
Citizens have faith in us because we are on good way to liberate whole Denmark, that is my primary objective and I promise it will be completed as soon as possible!
Till then follow our orders and everything will be fine, orders are HERE!
Here is the demonstration how Danes and allies fought in Midtjylland! Check the video HERE!
Last but not less important are Danish Army Girls in action!" />

MESSAGE to Swedish spies who want to destroy Denmark: Whatever you try to do you will fail!


Midtjylland has been occupied by Denmark!
Midtjylland was conquered by the Resistance Force in the war versus Sweden!

Minister of Defence: Toxic Hunter and Vice Minister of Defence: Wlada123