Liberal Newsletter (Article 1)

Day 669, 13:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Martin Warmonger

Dear citizens...

The Liberal Newsletter will follow the same format and writting style of the previous Foreigners Party articles. This is the first issue.


1. Name change
2. Conservative-Liberalism
3. IRC
4. In Real Life

1. As many of you may have noticed, the South African Foreigners Party does not exist anymore, I took the liberty in renaming the party to the Liberal Party of South Africa. Our Manifesto will stay pretty much the same, the name was only changed to fit the party's ideology.

2. The party believes in conservative-liberalism, which in turn means 25% Conservative, and 75% Liberal. We believe in constant change, and the freedom of a citizen in all ways. But there should, as always, be rules, and we should also learn out of our past mistakes.

3. The party's official IRC is still to be determind, but you will not find us in the official eSouth African IRC (I will not mention the address, I encourage you to stay away from it) for reasons I will discuss with you in private. We are open for suggestions.

4. Well, apart from my computer being broken, RL is looking good at the moment. We got through day 666 without any problems 😃
What I would like to cover today is, THE SOUTH AFRICAN POSTOFFICE WON'T STOP STRIKING! Well I got that out. Good-day.

Martin Warmonger,
Party President of the Liberal Party of South Africa, South Africa
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Copyright @ August 2009 - September 2009 The Liberal Party
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