Lez listen gay muzik

Day 2,283, 14:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Oh, iz so sad ..


Iz 2 heartz livin in 2 separate worlds ..


Oh he sayz Iz alright with me when u are quee .. here

Listen, I won.
Becuz I had, ye

Now me bye cigaretz

Look, it waz touching.
Sweet people, sweet humble thing.

Now my heart sad.
Like little Marko, oh, he waz so sweet.
But had this way ohv lookin me ..

Radenko hveel bad.
Bad bad person.

Now everybody Marko.
Cute little people und their cute little distances.

Once i grow up.
I strong, i stupid
i bitter

drinkin cuffee cursin little butterfli
in villigeez god take form ohv insects got it? radenko calmen radenko kamen in the water undarstood it?

then he make movement child still healthy
approach approach
we like having tongue we talk dirty we not remember wat tongue said we upset we cry we hug

oh ye thiz one http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7475528/01%20Labradford-Twenty.mp3

it long it sounds spread we hear it in our eyez we relax we forgiv we hug we hold hvorever