Letters that should or should not be written...

Day 1,333, 07:13 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
Hi Grease,

As I see around 6-700 Gold have gathered in the bank (Three Legged Crow). If you are not too greedy and wait for some more, I guess is about time to take the money and run. It would not be for the first time, as you already done it before…

Of course, you are covered! Tell everyone that you take the money to keep them safe from me or the PTOers. And, of course… forget to return them.

Also, you can tell everyone how brave you fought against South Korea in the past and helped Japanese and Taiwanese forces to destroy the country for which you didnt moved a finger to rebuild.

PS: Of course you will tell them that I stole money (I am used with this), but also tell them the diference between us: you took the money of the South Korean people and never returned them, I brought money from my pockets and used them for South Korea.


Hi Rythemdj,

I think enough money have been gathered for you also. After you took 2 state companies and never returned them, is about time to build some more. In fact, now you have enough power and acces to the funds to do it. Of course, it would not be the first time for you either.

You never admit it but ...

If you steal something, at least cover your tracks. It seems this company is still having the same name like when you took it - http://economy.erepublik.com/en/company/k1-88-tank/245583

After this you went to Japan and you were bank governor there. You strated with 2000 gold in the bank. After 3 months… Japan was with 1500 gold poorer. Of course you did your best. You used many gold to grow and to increase your rank while… fighting against South Korea.

You dont believe me? Take a look at this:

or this…

Yeah, Yeah! I Know, you were protecting… and fighting for liberation...

Of course, last time when you were president you managed to get ZERO MPPs and to kill a baby-boom (smaller then the one today). Therefore I wont question your diplomatic skills as they seem to head the same way this time also.


Hi Newbies,

You are small and you dont know too many at this moment about eSouth Korean history. Obviously, you will believe what the korean speakers will tell you and is normal, since you are Korean and I am not! However, these are not just words, I have showed you pictures and profs about what kind of people they have chosen themselfs as your leaders. Dont be fooled by their propaganda. I have seen this kind of propaganda in the past, all based on hate and discreditation, there is nothing new.

One week ago I was on your chat, we spoke, we were friends, you even learned a few Romanian words. Yesterday you kicked me out!
Three weeks ago, together we have fought side by side in liberating our regions from Taiwan. Now, you curse when you see Gyeongsangnam-do liberated, just curse because Grease told you so?

Is your choice what path you will choose and if you will judge for yoursef or let others judge you and lead you like a sheep heard. I am only saying this: I was here, I am here and I will be here as South Korean and defending South Korea. And so are the Dragons!
