Lets Get Smarter...and Win Stuff! Question 3

Day 1,290, 20:27 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Welcome and Good Day. Yesterday, the Prize of 5 Q5 Tanks was won by poisin224. He was very lucky. He was #4 out of 13 submissions.

As always, please vote n sub so this may reach more people.

also, PM ME YOUR ANSWERS. And as always, the winner will be announced at 20:00 eRep time. I will take submissions up until the last moment.

Now, if you submit an answer, I WILL tell you if it's incorrect, but no hints shall be given. You ready? Lets do this thang!

June 3, 2011 Question of the Day:
In this War, Russians looked for a warm water port. They found one, but it was only operational for half of the year. They then established a port that would be operational all year long.

Name the War and the 2 ports?

ANSWER: Russo-Japanese War; Port Arthur and Vladivostok
Prize won by: weasel2

20 Q2 Weapons gifted in FULL!!!